Off season natty fat ass

are you IFBB? you look like you could compete with the best of the best.nice taper also. good shit man, not many get to your level.
rookie03 said:
are you IFBB? you look like you could compete with the best of the best.nice taper also. good shit man, not many get to your level.

Thanks bro , im no pro or nothing , just a guy who likes the sport and training hard .
do you maybe have a link on here of your training and dieting? id like to take a look. you had a photo shoot? ive always wondered do they pay you, or do you do it to get your name out their?
awesome dedication & awesome genetics, you have a classical 70's bber look which is my ideal physique. Rather than ask the obvious dumb 'whats yr cycle', im curious as to what kind of #'s you lift, (or if you even do strength based training?)
Meatball said:
awesome dedication & awesome genetics, you have a classical 70's bber look which is my ideal physique. Rather than ask the obvious dumb 'whats yr cycle', im curious as to what kind of #'s you lift, (or if you even do strength based training?)
The last time i was counting numbers i was 18yrs old , dont really bother nowadays and everyday seems to be different in strength so it varies, thanks for the compliments peace.
hey im pretty sure i saw your photo shoot in the back of musclemag if im not mistaken, it was you doin a seated bicep curl. am i right?
Vander V said:
Well as of now im 240 natty , i figure when i decide to get back on my weight will be around 250+ offseason , I really dont plan on competing for a few years and im kinda done with photo shoots and mags as well , theres just no way i can gain the size i want when im dieting for shows and shoots so im takin a long break and when i return it will be on a national stage .

Damn V, you're def a beast, nice work holding the gains while nat. Awesome pics all the way through this thread, great proportions. I'm curious, at 240 now and up to "only" 250+ offseason when on. You obviously don't need much additional mass to keep it while cutting for a show I'm guessing? That just seems like a small increase for offseason gaining. But again, you've probably gotten to the point where you focus solely on quality LBM gain and don't try to bust the roof with your offseason gains.
vander what oranization have you competed in, im just finding it hard to believe someone at your level doesnt have their pro card.
looking good Vander. all of us who even think about serious body building know that there is time to bulk and time to cut. since vander is a pro ,im sure he knows his stuff.
someone mentioned gear `n stuff. dude, to get there,where vander is,you need ALOT of work and discipline,not just the gear...gear is just a tool.
vander,if its not much to ask could you check my pics and give your critique?
rookie03 - to 1st answer your question yes that was me in mucsle mag has my name on there right? i cant remember ,, anyways no Im not a pro by any means and i dont plan on competing for quite some time , the last time i competed i lost the overall by 1 vote in an NPC show , right now im just gettin as big as i can and taking care of my financial life and business.

tensity- i see what your saying and it makes sense , but the thing is i was not concerned with BF while being off , once on ill tighten it up and then reach 250 with abs to show, thanks for compliments.

creepS-like i mentioned before im no pro just a guy that likes to train hard and the art of BB , i dont expect to be anything other then who I am, as for gear well yea theres no magic pill its all hard work and sweat burning in your eye while you force up a few more reps , being on and off for me isnt that noticable i just seem to be a lil more smoother and my strength seems to decrease a tad , besides that i hold my ground pretty well for being natural for over 5months.
Stop with the chubby comment. It makes the rest of us mortals feel pretty lousy! I train at Golds Venice and I assure you that there's nothing that would set you apart from the monsters that train there.
he just has very high expectations of himself, theirs not a huge difference in his pics for the magazine shoot and the pics now, but he has alot more mass now. vander like i said before is just one of the few that make it to that level. just like when i set a goal to be 180 now im their and i want to be 200, in bodybuilding/powerlifting/whatever theirs no settling, once you make your goal you set another one. at least thats my opinion.
Bast - well at first my strength took a dive and i couldnt get a solid pump but after 2 months it came back and im almost as strong not quite tho , im still waiting to make a decision to return to the darkside .

400IM- dude trust me im a chubby bastad , my ass is ridiculously large it just sticks out a foot and its all fat lol my stomach is all chubby and i can barely see my abs that well not to mention my love handles , to me this is fat im not used to being 240 natural and eating lousy foods thanks for the compliments tho.
lol at those titey-whiteys vander... if you get a chance email me some naked ones ;)
looking awesome as always; have i asked you to marry me yet?
strngthmnx said:
lol at those titey-whiteys vander... if you get a chance email me some naked ones ;)
looking awesome as always; have i asked you to marry me yet?
why is everbody lol at me must be my fat ass :dunno: and no i dont think you proposed to me yet and im getting a little impatiant :rolleyes2 :wink2: .
trust me, no one's laughing. drooling, maybe (ok that's prolly just me) but definitely not laughing. oh, i almost forgot...
vander, will you marry me?