Ok, what does one say when their girl asks if you take juice


New member
Female that i'm dating, asked if i take juice or hav. I was appauled that she evn asked me that, its like asking a gir how much she weighs. So i said of course NOT, steroids aren't to safe unless a doctor oversees you. She said Oh i'm glad you didn't take steriods. Then I told her to shut the f@@k up and suck my d@ck!
:bj: :bj: :bj:
I usually tell them I drink alot of protein shakes and workout alot.
And then tell them to suck it :D
To tell you the truth......unless you have been seeing a girl for a couple of years and you plan on being with her for good, then I think they would have a right to know, at least I would tell them. Now, if it is a girl you just met or having been dating for just a couple of months then it is none of their fuckin business!!!!!
I really hate lying to people, but I know of more than one case where someone was honest about their use and later it came back to haunt them when their GF turned on them. So I would probably just tell the girl not to ask me about it.
Tuff one......

I just started seeing my baby gurl, I introduced her to T3 as an alternative to cut some body fat. Then I told her I use Slin. She was cool about that. So I've broke her in with some extreme alternatives for now.

However, I haven't mentioned the vitamin S. If she asks I will tell her. I can't lie to her......
My girl wants me to pump as much shit in as possible,is she nuts or am i the only one who thinks that?By the way just started my first EVER cycle,taking test Cyp 400 mgs a week for 10 weeks followed by clomid for recovery.This is good right?
That is awsome what you said to her. Does she think she is cool for asking you that?

You should have asked her if she is on birth control.
I asked my wife if it was ok to start taking steroids and now she gives me my injections. Ahhh the love.
My girl knows but I've been with her for over 2 years and I've educated her on them. Much like with everyone else that bashes AS use, that's what's missing. Once she learned about it...she was and is fine with it. Now if i was just meeting some girl at a club or something and she asked that I'd just be like "oh I'm bullking right now. Increased my calorie and protein intake. Also taking this stuff called "Cell Tech". Oh it's AWESOME!" ;)