OMG Tren

Deca > Tren in my book.

I can't get enough deca, but I can live without tren.

First time I've ever seen anyone say this. Deca is all bloat IMO.

Tren owns deca. Deca is trEns bitch. Tren only calls deca Saturday night at 5am for a bootycall
First time I've ever seen anyone say this. Deca is all bloat IMO.

Tren owns deca. Deca is trEns bitch. Tren only calls deca Saturday night at 5am for a bootycall

i may have to thumb wrestle you over this one Massive.

Actually, i think its better stated like this.

Deca = Tren with a square root of goal.
1,2,3,4 I declare a thumb war

Tren is so much more potent and versatile. Whatever your goals might be tren will provide them. Deca is one dimensiOnal.
To be fair - my goals are pretty one dimensional too lol.

Only things I care about are getting stronger and preventing injuries on the field.

LOL not to mention my fat ass gets winded enough WITHOUT tren when I have to run around out there.
I can't sleep more then 2hours at a time. Dick is rock hard all night long while tryin to sleep but no libido during the day lol. The pumps and weights I'm gettin in the gym are amazing though. I've had similar success on dbol,deca,test cycles. Currently on tren,test,dbol,anavar
Trens the shit. I said I was going to get shredded on it, but after seeing the crazy strength and size gains from it I decided to bulk again lol. 600lb deadlift here I come!

OP starts using Tren enanthate a week ago.

In that week, fat has "melted" off and his muscles have grown at an "absurd" rate.

I detect some embellishment.
Maybe a little. However, tren is the shit. I looked great. I do remember it raising my creatine and lowering my GFR (kidneys). Not a beginner's drug imho.
Tren E going into week 5 test at 200mg and Tren E 600mg a week two pins and yes Tren makes you want to eat the freakin weights side effects are not that bad so far !makes you strong and chizled but murders your cardio especially in the beginning of the cycle
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I agree with the posts above. I have a love/hate relationship with tren. I loved what it did my physique and hated what it did to my personal relationships. I had the night sweats, the tren cough, the insomnia, the loss of endurance, acne bad enough to use accutane (which has its own nasty sides). I would take all of them as a worthwhile tradeoff.

It was the moods swings that made me swear it off. When you're having them, you just can't figure out that it's the tren talking until its too late.