only test from now on (rant)


not a wigger
I think I have made up my mind that test will be my only Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) from now on. I was pretty much doing this with good success. Then I craved variety so i tried other AAS. My personal results:

winny - killed my HDL, joints and hair

var - to expensive, probably hurt my HDL too

deca/npp - gave me gyno on my last cycle (first time ever getting gyno)

EQ - no noticible mass or strength - increases rbc (not healthy) and some anxiety

dbol -bloats me, kills my appetite so I can't eat. Actually made me feel nauseaus and dizzy at a fairly low doses

tren - really fuks with my personalty (anxiety/anger). Will probably give me gyno too since nadralone did

I think I am gonna use test only from now on because test is,for me, the most effective (nothing gives me gains like test), versatile (bulk, cut maintain, HRT...) and safest (least sides) of any AAS.

I will probably cut back a lot on my HGH and slin use too. HGH is so darn expensive!

End of rant! :soap:

Does anybody care? :gives:
Test is the best. Anyone who is half experieced knows this, that is why it is the base of every cycle.
Can’t go wrong with test! Plus for the price, it can’t be beat. Although I love to use stack other steroids, test is the base of every cycle I do now.
Test with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is all it takes for me to be happy. But I must say for me personally a low dose of t3 and hgh makes my perfect stack. Maybe a little masteron too.
It's like so many other things in life. We try something to get started...then we go crazy experimenting with newer or better and we end up going back to waht got us hooked to begin with.

I went crazy expeimenting, and I still do it a bit. However, I end up pissing away a lot of time and money doing it when I already know what works best for me.
If you had not experimented there would always be some nagging doubts, so in the long run it was educational and a good thing to get it out of your system (Pun intended)... :laugh4:
lol you made me second-guess the deca for my upcoming cycle.
Theres nothing wrong with some variety in a cycle. Test is the main event here, but thats not to say that everything else is worthless - far from it IMO.
i guess i'm an exception. i'm so gyno-prone i won't do anything that aromatizes. luckily tren has always been good to me. i'm on week 2 of tren enan and masteron enan. so far so good. i might var bridge and go again with these two.
jediclampet said:
I think I have made up my mind that test will be my only Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) from now on. I was pretty much doing this with good success. Then I craved variety so i tried other AAS. My personal results:

winny - killed my HDL, joints and hair(All orals will do damage to your HDL, so will hard Androgens such as Tren)

var - to expensive, probably hurt my HDL too. (You're basing this on "probably"?)

deca/npp - gave me gyno on my last cycle (first time ever getting gyno)(If you read the sticky on how to combat deca induced gyno, you wouldnt have been in the situation in the first place.)

EQ - no noticible mass or strength - increases rbc (not healthy) and some anxiety .(All steroids increase RBC, maybe you should stop using it alltogether)

dbol -bloats me, kills my appetite so I can't eat. Actually made me feel nauseaus and dizzy at a fairly low doses.(There is something called Turinabol, no bloat.)

tren - really fuks with my personalty (anxiety/anger). Will probably give me gyno too since nadralone did.(First you said it fucks with your personality and then you say "it will probably give you gyno", does that mean you have used it or not?)

I think I am gonna use test only from now on because test is,for me, the most effective (nothing gives me gains like test), versatile (bulk, cut maintain, HRT...) and safest (least sides) of any AAS.

I will probably cut back a lot on my HGH and slin use too. HGH is so darn expensive!

End of rant! :soap:

Does anybody care? :gives:
Conclution: Steroids are not for you.
pineapple said:
Conclution: Steroids are not for you.

Thanks for you advice, Pineapple, but despite your "conclution" that "steroids are not for [me]", I am still gonna use sh!tloads of test.

1) Your comment: "All orals will do damage to your HDL, so will hard Androgens such as Tren"

My response: Yep, that's why I don't plan to use them anymore. The whole point of me starting this thread.

2) Your comment: [about var "probably" hurting my HDL] "You're basing this on "probably"?

My response: Read what you yourself said in #1 above.

3) Your comment: "If you read the sticky on how to combat deca induced gyno, you wouldnt have been in the situation in the first place."

My response: I can't find this sticky you speak of about combating deca induced gyno, but I have done a lot of research on gyno. I have used nandralone numerous times and never had problem until my last cycle (I loved nandralone until this happened). I was using aromasin during this cycle. I was able to "nip" (no pun intended) the gyno in the bud, so I won't be permanently disfigured. But I probably won't be using nandralone or tren again because of this gyno flare up. I do not want the sides that accompany bromocriptine. The only way I will try nandralone again is while using vitamin B6. I have heard others report that vitamin B6 is very effective at combating gyno resulting from nandralone.

4) Your comment: "All steroids increase RBC, maybe you should stop using [AAS] alltogether."

My response: Seems like EQ increases RBC's more than most Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (anadrol would surely be worse though). EQ might be worth it if I noticed any positive benefits from this drug.

5) Your comment: "There is something called Turinabol, no bloat."

My response: Again, read your own comment in #1.

6) Your comment: "First you said [tren] fucks with your personality and then you say "it will probably give you gyno", does that mean you have used it or not?"

I have used tren more times than I can count. Tren DOES fuck with my personality. I say tren will "probably" give me gyno because of what happened in my last cycle with nandralone (see #3 above).

7) Your conclution: "Steroids are not for you."

My conclusion: My personal experience has shown me that test is the only Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I need. Other AAS's give me unwanted sides and do not yield nearly as good gains as does test. This is only my personal experience - so of course it may not be true for others. I am in this game for the long run. I want to look good but health is also a great concern. I will not use orals anymore because I want to maintain a healthy heart (heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country and I am sure the prevalence of heart disease is much higher in those that use AAS). I will probably not use nandralone or tren again because I do not want breasts.

Pineapple, I really don't appreciate your condescending attitude. I am a fairly advanced body builder (6'0" tall, 260 lbs. at 12% BF, with some decent lifts) and I have done a LOT of research regarding AAS. You made this post bashing me but you have offered nothing constructive.
Only people who have genetic predisposition to get Acne and other nasty Sides, they avoid Test. However I think Test is the safest cuz its the one HRT medication uses and further more, its not a damn animal hormone , its a human one, and all that other crap like Winstrol (winny) and anavar and dbol are a waste of time and money.

Everyone should run Test only cycles it will save them money and sides. Stacking is so stupid. Everyone should simply take Test E or Test Cypionate. And simply increase dosing as you get bigger or reach plateau. Forget all that other junk.
For you, test rocks! For me, test, Winstrol (winny) and tren rock! To each their own. Sounds like a good choice for you bro.
jediclampet said:
My conclusion: My personal experience has shown me that test is the only Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I need. Other AAS's give me unwanted sides and do not yield nearly as good gains as does test. This is only my personal experience - so of course it may not be true for others. I am in this game for the long run. I want to look good but health is also a great concern. I will not use orals anymore because I want to maintain a healthy heart (heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country and I am sure the prevalence of heart disease is much higher in those that use AAS). I will probably not use nandralone or tren again because I do not want breasts.

Pineapple, I really don't appreciate your condescending attitude. I am a fairly advanced body builder (6'0" tall, 260 lbs. at 12% BF, with some decent lifts) and I have done a LOT of research regarding AAS. You made this post bashing me but you have offered nothing constructive.
"Heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country and I'm sure the prevalence of heart disease is much higher in those that use AAS", ... maybe. If the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) user sits home all day eating donuts and pizza and doesnt watch his health, sure. Most of us get regular blood check ups which most fat asses in USA dont. We also watch our fat intake, and we exercise. I just see you as Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) bashing for side effects that are easily preventable. You could always use a smaller dose. Not all orals are equal in liver damage. Compare M1T to Turinabol. And if Anavar was that bad on the lipids, they wouldnt prescribe it to AIDS patients. Not bashing you, your comments just seemed to blame Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) instead of yourself.
zk7 said:
Only people who have genetic predisposition to get Acne and other nasty Sides, they avoid Test. However I think Test is the safest cuz its the one HRT medication uses and further more, its not a damn animal hormone , its a human one, and all that other crap like Winstrol (winny) and anavar and dbol are a waste of time and money.

Everyone should run Test only cycles it will save them money and sides. Stacking is so stupid. Everyone should simply take Test E or Test Cypionate. And simply increase dosing as you get bigger or reach plateau. Forget all that other junk.
Speaking from inexperience?
Look who's talking pineapple. It's all those exotic compounds like tren, EQ etcc that cause problems, they are not safe, tren can seriously cause cancer. All that crap is bad stuff, bad news.

I love how steroids abusers justify their abuse by comparing Tren to Cigarettes, only a drug addicts does that.
Drink Test WTF? carolinacrackhah man i think you should stop whatever your doing noob before you hurt yourself. And that avatar of yours just shows your mental intellect.
pineapple said:
"Heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country and I'm sure the prevalence of heart disease is much higher in those that use AAS", ... maybe. If the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) user sits home all day eating donuts and pizza and doesnt watch his health, sure. Most of us get regular blood check ups which most fat asses in USA dont. We also watch our fat intake, and we exercise. I just see you as Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) bashing for side effects that are easily preventable. You could always use a smaller dose. Not all orals are equal in liver damage. Compare M1T to Turinabol. And if Anavar was that bad on the lipids, they wouldnt prescribe it to AIDS patients. Not bashing you, your comments just seemed to blame Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) instead of yourself.

How is low HDL from oral Winstrol (winny) "easily preventable"? I was on a clean diet and doing cardio 4-5 times a week while on a 6 week cycle of 50 mg oral Winstrol (winny) ED (with 50 mg test e per week). At the end of this short low dose cycle of Winstrol (winny), my HDL was 6.

I was reading a cycle log by a guy talking about how great oral turinabol was. Then, his blood work came back and his HDL was 9!

It's commonly known that anavar is hard on the lipids (click on "steroid profiles" at the top of the page and read the drug profile for Anavar). I think AIDS patients have other concerns besides HDL - maybe that's why they give them var?!?!

If the detriment to HDL caused by orals is "easily preventable", I am all ears. Tell me how to keep my HDL up and I will start taking orals again.

Again, I am not saying everybody should stop using all Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) except test. I just think it's the best choice for me personally.