only test from now on (rant)

zk7 said:
Drink Test WTF? carolinacrackhah man i think you should stop whatever your doing noob before you hurt yourself. And that avatar of yours just shows your mental intellect.
I mix 1 cc with 2 scoops of protien....but what yer telling me is that I CANT drink test????
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zk7 said:
Drink Test WTF? carolinacrackhah man i think you should stop whatever your doing noob before you hurt yourself. And that avatar of yours just shows your mental intellect.

jediclampet said:
How is low HDL from oral Winstrol (winny) "easily preventable"? I was on a clean diet and doing cardio 4-5 times a week while on a 6 week cycle of 50 mg oral Winstrol (winny) ED (with 50 mg test e per week). At the end of this short low dose cycle of Winstrol (winny), my HDL was 6.

I was reading a cycle log by a guy talking about how great oral turinabol was. Then, his blood work came back and his HDL was 9!

It's commonly known that anavar is hard on the lipids (click on "steroid profiles" at the top of the page and read the drug profile for Anavar). I think AIDS patients have other concerns besides HDL - maybe that's why they give them var?!?!

If the detriment to HDL caused by orals is "easily preventable", I am all ears. Tell me how to keep my HDL up and I will start taking orals again.

Again, I am not saying everybody should stop using all Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) except test. I just think it's the best choice for me personally.
Andriol is used to raise HDL levels in Japan. 50mg of Winstrol (winny) is not a low dose :) That would be max for me.
zk7 said:
Look who's talking pineapple. It's all those exotic compounds like tren, EQ etcc that cause problems, they are not safe, tren can seriously cause cancer. All that crap is bad stuff, bad news.

I love how steroids abusers justify their abuse by comparing Tren to Cigarettes, only a drug addicts does that.
Uhhhhh, what? Please provide a shred of proof for this statement.