Ooooooohhhh yeah.....Getting READY....critiques welcome!

looks great. It should do what he wants without test. Interesting, each person is diffrent and responds differently and i'm sure the good doc would concur. Most say they need Test with Tren to keep libido up. I am going to use Tren in a few weeks without Test as well.
I like it.

But I have one suggestion moving your Anavar (var) to week 7 and finishing week 17 or should I say 18, then starting post cycle therapy (pct) the day after last Anavar (var) . I guess that's 2 suggestion;)

JohnnyB said:
I like it.

But I have one suggestion moving your Anavar (var) to week 7 and finishing week 17 or should I say 18, then starting post cycle therapy (pct) the day after last Anavar (var) . I guess that's 2 suggestion;)


Hmmmm...interesting thought......;)
Re: Re: Ooooooohhhh yeah.....Getting READY....critiques welcome!

WannaImpress said:
Nice damn cycle wonder your recommending me to take 40-45mgs of B*G ed since your taking 50mgs yourself. :D Since you are a Doc and all, can't pull of any Aromasin and substitute it for the Nolvadex/Proviron?

#1) I LOVE Proviron :)
#2) Nolva's much better for assisiting wrecked lipid profiles (TREN!!!)
#3) Aromasin on this cycle (non-aromatizing) would be overkill ;)

Trevdog said:
It looks great but "No need for test"?? - BLASPHEMY!
Now this is a man who knows what he's talkin' about!

DJ, fina won't kill your sex drive, but it MITE kill your ability to form a rock hard erector, and to keep that erector...well...erect.

Doesn't really matter anyway...I doubt your gettin' sum old man...
Trevdog said:
It looks great but "No need for test"?? - BLASPHEMY!
i was thinking the same thing myself , why take proviron to free up your test when your natural test will be shut down and you are not stacking with test :confused: , at least run 200-300 mg a week you shouldnt have a lot of bloat from that and i would up the proviron to 50 mg a day but that is just me , oh well im never gonna make mod if i keep disagreeing with a whole thread full of them at a time:D
ready2explode said:
Now this is a man who knows what he's talkin' about!

DJ, fina won't kill your sex drive, but it MITE kill your ability to form a rock hard erector, and to keep that erector...well...erect.

Doesn't really matter anyway...I doubt your gettin' sum old man...

OUCH!!!!....................I'd get TA to kick your ass but he's MIA :(
Regardless of what tren does to your sex drive I would still add a low dose of test, mabey 200mg of cyp per week, just to replace the test production that will be shut down. Otherwise I think it is a solid cycle.
Since you will have elevated DHT levels due to running Proviron, you may want to consider running Finasteride at 1 - 2 mgs per day the last few weeks of your cycle.

Then again running Finasteride will basically defeat the purpose of running Proviron. In this case with Proviron are using it soley for its anti-e properties or to keep your sex drive alive? If it's the latter then forget I said to use Finasteride.

Keeping DHT levels down as you know will help to keep your Prostate healthy and help keep ance under control. High DHT levels due to AS are a big contributor to ance and can cause Benine Prostate Enlargement, etc...

BTW, I cannot believe with all the AS IFBB pros take, that more Prostate problems haven't yet been seen (whomknows for sure though right?). Maybe for many of them it's still too early too tell. AS 'anecdotally' at least 'should' be hell on the Prosate.

What are your thoughts on this last paragraph and my response in general Drveejay?

Just my $.02
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I hear ya bro..........SWALE (HRT SPecialist /Dr.) posted once about ESTROGEN being the possible culprit cause of Prostate Probs.......not the DHT. :confused:

Goes against everything I've learned about DHT but he's the shit so it is possible. I'll try to find the link.
So DRveejay any modifications to your cycle? Are you still going to take the Anavar at 50mgs/ed? All your fault that I'm questioning my measly 30mgs of B*G I was going to take ed for 12 weeks!