opinions on my test results from Quest Diagnostics


In a Russian Gulag
Age: just turned 37
Test performed by Quest Diagnostics
Quest broad scale,non age specific (250-1080)
My scores:
Total:433- Scale is (250-1080)
Free:61.0-Scale is (46.0-224.0)
Bio-available: 130.8- Scale is (110.0-575.0)

Its my understandind that for someone my age 700+ is average for total T and 700-1080 is optiomal.
I have evey symptom you can emagine and more; no sex drive, lost 60 pds. in 9 months, no energy, fatigue, irritable, insomnia, extreme muscle loss and strength, not feeling like a man, no well being, enjoyment in life, etc.,etc., also has ruined my relationship and cost me my job. A shell of my former self and won't leave the house.

Thyroid and PSA test were fine.

Any comments in general or on my values? and where they should be for my age? Thanks guys.
Damn dude 443 isn't terrible at 37, mine was 146 at age 33 but suprisingly still able to give it to the old lady if you can believe that. The endo did say there might had been a binding protein or something else that through the test off so he rechecked it today at my appointment.

As for your level being 700+ at your age that sounds high for your age and your level at 443 like I said doesn't sound to bad.

Shit I have been dreading the day I would be posting in this section, now I feel old.

Report back on what the doc tells you. Oh yeah if you don't mind me asking, how many cycles have you ran and did you take a proper PCT?
The level scale I mentioned is from quest, 20-39 years the scale is 400-1080. The average in that range for somebody my age is 700, also noted on the scale. The optimal for my age bracket is 700-1080. I did not make these numbers or scales up. My free and bio are on the lowest end of the range as well. Both docs I saw said even though they were in the broad non age specific rane(250-1080), they stated I was on the low end the eurologist recommended I see a homone replacement doc. As far as cycles, it been 3 years since my last, overall Ive ran 10-12 over many years. Half of those in the early years I had limited knowledge and ran no post cycle therapy (pct), and my last one I did not as well for lack of availability, irresponsible on my part.
I failed to mention the age specific range in my post.
Quest Diagnostics:non age specific(250-1080)
Age specific:
20-39yrs.(400-1080) average(700) optimal(700-1080)

Free test by age:19yrs.+(47.0-244.0)

LabCorp general range,non age specific:

So for my age(400-1080), mine 433 is on the very low end, considering 700 in that age range is average.
Go see the anabolicdoc.com you will have to travel to see him but he has no problem putting you at the high side of the scale. It thats what it take for you to feel good. He's worth the trip.