Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

Hey bud av pasted the section about this theory. I found it interesting, see what you think about it.

How to Cycle Dianabol
To create a cycle for dianabol that is based around using it more as a supplement than a steroid, we first need to look at the current trend for cycling dianabol and analyse what is wrong with it. An average cycle of Dianabol is usually structured as 25-40mg split throughout each day for 4-6 weeks, either alone or stacked with other steroids.
Firstly a dose of 25mg or more commonly causes water retention. It is well known that dianabol does aromatise quite easily, and most of the water retention is usually attributed to a build up of excess estrogen. However, it is my belief that initially water retention is caused by the body holding on to water due to the effects of dianabol on the body's mineral balance, in particular the potassium/sodium balance. This coupled with the fact that dianabol cause estrogenic side effects, leads to a lot of water build-up, and as there is little we can do about the change in the bodies mineral balance, the only other thing we can do is try to reduce aromatisation, usually with Nolvadex (tamoxifen) or other anti-estrogens. This is not the only method though, by reducing the dose, less of the drug will aromatise, which leads to less estrogen and more importantly less water retention. Reducing the drug during a cycle would lead to estrogen levels dropping slowly, so we should start the cycle with a lower dose of 10-20mg each day.

Splitting the dosage when you are using a low dose is virtually pointless, as you will get a much smaller peak of the drug. So in this case it is best to take it in a single dose in the morning (preferably with grapefruit juice). Although this will not prevent suppression of natural testosterone, it may lessen it to a certain degree, as your body will still have lengthy periods later in the day when there is little testosterone circulating, and so it may still produce some.

Now if we look at cycle duration, 4-6 weeks seems too short to have any real effect at a low dose, but how can we use dianabol for longer without placing more risk on our liver? The solution is actually quite simple; by taking weekends off from the drug we will give our livers a break from processing the drug. Due to the short half-life any active substances will be out of our system within 24 hours of your last dose, now this may seem like it will cost you gains, but in actual fact it will cost you little or no losses in the long run as even though there is no active drug in the body the effects are still present i.e. extra intramuscular water, and a more anabolic mineral balance. These effects usually taper off over several days. This method will not however, help your natural testosterone to return from its inhibited state, as this process can take considerably longer. If we take weekends off and use a lower dose, we should in theory be able to use dianabol for 10 weeks with no problems. A simple bit of mathematics can show this point best:

6 weeks @25mg each day = 1050mg of Dianabol in total
10 weeks with weekends off @15mg each day = 750mg of Dianabol in total
So as you can see, by using this system your liver will actually process less dianabol than in a conventional cycle, add this to the fact that you can make gains for 10 weeks instead of 6, and with fewer side effects, and you get a very solid cycle.

drako , you and the rest of the dbol gang crack me up . as a rule you guys all say youve spent a lot of time researching and all say youve read all the info on this thread then come the BUT , BUT i cant get anything else , BUT im not ready for needles ,BUT my buddies run it this way , BUT the biggest guy in my gym told me to do it this way.
you guys can justify and rationalize it all you want but nothing changes.

just look at your post , if you REALLY know anything about steroids then you know that IF you take enough steroids to cause gains then you will have at LEAST partial if not FULL shutdown. BUT you want to believe so bad that you can half ass it and it will work your willing to ignore all you have read.
Hey bud. I was js simply posting something I found whilst doing research and thought I'd share n see peoples views. When it comes to cycles you can ask as many questions and research as much as you want and there's always gonna be conflicting information at the end of the day. Sorting throught it and finding the facts is the main thing. I js thought I'd broaden this thread and see people's views on this particular theory cos that's all it is from what I read, a theory.

I wasn't looking for justification.
Anyone condoning oral only cycles will be banned. Lol

no , i keep hoping they will come to their senses . 10 pages in this thread and they still keep coming .
it goes to show its human nature that if you want something to be true very very badly you will start to believe it is even when in your head you know its not.
I don't understand why I'm getting grief here?

At no point have I insulted injectables nor have I orals. I have simply pasted a theory found and was looking to see what the more experienced and educated lifters thoughts and opinions were on the topic.

This was not my opinion and by no means does it reflect my thoughts on the matter of oral only cycles. Js thought it be an interesting read for some who migh have been considering this alternative cycling method and would continue the debate.
test eth or cyp for 10-12 weeks at 400-600 . if you keeping the dbol mayve 400 mg of test a week. dont run the dbol over 6 weeks. start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last injection.

Thanks for getting back to me I have another question my guy got back to me and he has offered me Sustanon (sust) as he has no test at the moment, I done a bit of reading and it says there's not much difference between Sustanon (sust) and test and that Sustanon (sust) actually helps keep ur gains better although the esters run out quicker, do u think Sustanon (sust) is an option for me? I was going to run clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct) as this seems to be the preferred choice of what I have been looking at, what's your thoughts on this? Again I have deca as an option for stacking with the sus but was unsure whether or not to leave this to my second or third cycle
Sust is a form of 4 tests bud, it js has different esters to vary time release. I'm not sure but don't think it affects injection times. I would have thought the days would be the same as if you were on enanthate due to it having a combination of fast and slow esters.
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Hi dawg after reading a few things u have said in this form u seem to be more clued up than a few others on this forum so was looking for some advice from u as im just begining body building and im a bit confused as to wot i shld be taking I'm 33yo 6ft, 69.8kg with about 8% body fat I am taking dbol at the 30mg a day and have just revived susts 250 and also dekca and was thinking of taking 100mgs once a week for my first cycle to get me started wots ur opinion on this? Any advice wld be much appreciated. Jambocraig
100mg a week is major gay, do 500mg a week for 12 weeks, and drop the dbol
500mgs as a major rookie at bodybuilding is that not a bit too much? I don't want to end up looking like a tank although I do want to get alot bigger than I am wot about stacking with deca? Good or bad and how much? Also if u don't mine wots ur thoughts on pct supps? Thanks for the last advice btw. JamboCraig
I Would have said on your first cycle to stick to using js Sustanon (sust) if that's what you have. This way if you experience any sides your gonna know what caused it. If you start throwing Decca and dianabol in there as well you won't know which was one caused the side effects, if that make sense?
500mgs as a major rookie at bodybuilding is that not a bit too much? I don't want to end up looking like a tank although I do want to get alot bigger than I am wot about stacking with deca? Good or bad and how much? Also if u don't mine wots ur thoughts on pct supps? Thanks for the last advice btw. JamboCraig
forgive me it's not my place to answer.

But personally i think 500's fine for first cycle when you consider the average male apparently produces 6mg of testosterone a day, times that by 7 then deduct it from your 100mg, would mean your giving yourself an additional 58mg of test (depending on if you experience shutdown) which won't yield anywhere near the kind of results you mat want.
Much appreciated drako and glad u did answer like I said I'm very new to all this but at the same time also very interested so all advice is very welcome. Thanks again Jambocraig
Much appreciated drako and glad u did answer like I said I'm very new to all this but at the same time also very interested so all advice is very welcome. Thanks again Jambocraig
Your welcome bud. Don't forget to get your Pct prepped aswell there's a nice thread on this board that's explains it all and should be very informative.
Your welcome bud. Don't forget to get your Pct prepped aswell there's a nice thread on this board that's explains it all and should be very informative.

Cheers mate I was thinking of using clamid for my post cycle therapy (pct)! Wot do u think good or bad? JamboCraig
I Would have said on your first cycle to stick to using js Sustanon (sust) if that's what you have. This way if you experience any sides your gonna know what caused it. If you start throwing Decca and dianabol in there as well you won't know which was one caused the side effects, if that make sense?

Drako i start my Sustanon (sust) tomorrow and was looking for some advise as to where I should pin as I'm not sure which area would be best. Leg, arm or butt! If u don't mine. Thanks JamboCraig