Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

It's really a personal preference, But most first timers tend to hit the glute. Doc J has a great post titled Massive newbie info on the main anabolic page, or even a simple search on google will show the best way to inject.

Hope you have everything prepped before embarking on this cycle. Hope you enjoy the results.
And so the first ever Sustanon (sust) cycle begins (for me obivously) wish me luck ha ha. JamboCraig
what's peoples thoughts on this i am also a rookie, 200mg Sustanon (sust) on a sunday 200mg deca on a wednesday 30 mg d-bol per day 15mg in the morning 15 mg in the evening running the d-bol for 6 weeks and the Sustanon (sust) and deca for 8? i also read somewhere that a day off the d-bol say a saturday for instance is a good idea as it gives the liver a break or is this just nonsense,feedback much appreciated thanks
I would suggest you run Sustanon (sust) only. For the same reasons mention earlier.

Save your Decca and D-Bol for another cycle once you see what results you get from sust.
I would suggest you run Sustanon (sust) only. For the same reasons mention earlier.

Save your Decca and D-Bol for another cycle once you see what results you get from sust.

cheers i will take that on board,i have one more question, i have been reading about diets and i am very happy with the current diet i am using just now although i am still slightly unsure on carb intake per day, i am getting plenty protein and nutrients just not sure how much carbs i should be taking in
Can Halotestin be an oral "cycle". I know people use it like 20mg-40mg a day for 2-4 weeks. Im just wondering. It seems like only oral people talk about is dbol anavar and winny.
After reading all the info given to me by a cpl of decent non judging ppl iv decided my cycle for the next 8/10 weeks is going to consist of Sustanon (sust) 250 and deca once a week for my first cycle and then see wot results I get then when it cums to my 2nd cycle I'm either going to up the dosage or try a different oil. Any suggestions on this idea and if so wot shld I try instead of sust/deca. Advice as always will be much appreciated. JamboCraig
Can Halotestin be an oral "cycle". I know people use it like 20mg-40mg a day for 2-4 weeks. Im just wondering. It seems like only oral people talk about is dbol anavar and winny.

halo only would be about the worst . halo is good for strength and agression but almost zero muscle gains. it would shut down your natural test for NO gains.
cheers i will take that on board,i have one more question, i have been reading about diets and i am very happy with the current diet i am using just now although i am still slightly unsure on carb intake per day, i am getting plenty protein and nutrients just not sure how much carbs i should be taking in

hit the diet forum here and talk to the mod 3J , hes a diet / nutrition guru.
After pinning 500mg of Sustanon (sust) 250 on Sunday for the first time is it natural for my pin area to still feel tender to touch? JamboCraig
I am 25...how much of the oral should i take and how much of the test injection?...also can keep usin my other supplements like super mass?....i turned my workouts down to 5 times a week everymorning at 5am
NEW GUY 35 year old looking for advice.

I work my butt off in the gym, eat like a horse and show little results. I am very interested in taking a few oral gear maybe ***8220;Anabol***8221; I live in the US so I simply don***8217;t know where to find it. I am very leery of online sites. I am not the type of person to ask some big dude in the gym. So If you know where I can find please help.
I currently work out three to four times a week. I keep my work outs to one hour due to the early house before work. I start with a pre work out drink. (One scoop of NO SHOTGUN) and within 20 minutes following my work out I have a Protein shake (Muscle Milk 100% Whey 27g protein and 6g bcaa***8217;s per serving) usually within two hours I eat a high protein/carb snack and fruit. For lunch I have some type of meat with vegetables. About two hours after lunch I eat a protein bar with a fruit. Dinner is about the same as lunch. I eat a lot of whole foods ***8220;I do not eat junk or fast food.***8221; I mainly eat fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, lean red meat, and ground turkey. I have been working out for 5-6 years. I have tried many products to include over the counter pre and post workout supplements and test boosters. The only products I have had results with are universal animal pump and test however only temporary. All following measurements will be in inches.

Rt. wrist-7
Rt. forearm-11
Rt. bicep-13.5
Rt. Thigh-22
Rt. Calf-14.5

read the rules , no asking for sources .

why would you post a thread asking for a oral steroid in a thread about why your should run a oral only cycle ? did you ride the short bus to school?
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LMAO^^^ so you are not only asking for a source but you are asking for a source to help you find gear so you can do a oral only cycle when the point of this thread is to tell everyone that it's goofy as fuck to do so and you still ask, go read the stickys and don't ask for sources.
stomach paralysis

hi guys;

i have searched the web and could not find anything on the following.

i have been competing as an amteur bodybuilder for the last 5 years on and off.

i used alot of different injectable steroids BUT then about 2 years ago i was preparing for a contest and my stomach nerve got paralised meaning the nerve that make your stomach contract was paralysed leaving you bloated and with no apetite whatsoever...

after a number of tests and scans the doctors requested me to stop with everything and i immediately went off the steroids.

subsequently thereto i got better and my stomach was fine again.
now here is the thing.

every time i inject ANYTHING i mean low dosage of promabolan to high dosage of deca - it doesnt matter ...one week after the injection my stomach nerve is paralysed and i get off the stuff and then it gets better after a while again.

BUT if i take orals it does NOT AFFECT ME AT ALL???

everyone i talk too have never heard of this and i even tried different "brands" of injectables but still the same issue every time.

has anyone here ever heard of this
any possible advice?
i really want to compete again but don't know if i can be competative when only taking orals?

help please??
hi guys;

i have searched the web and could not find anything on the following.

i have been competing as an amteur bodybuilder for the last 5 years on and off.

i used alot of different injectable steroids BUT then about 2 years ago i was preparing for a contest and my stomach nerve got paralised meaning the nerve that make your stomach contract was paralysed leaving you bloated and with no apetite whatsoever...

after a number of tests and scans the doctors requested me to stop with everything and i immediately went off the steroids.

subsequently thereto i got better and my stomach was fine again.
now here is the thing.

every time i inject ANYTHING i mean low dosage of promabolan to high dosage of deca - it doesnt matter ...one week after the injection my stomach nerve is paralysed and i get off the stuff and then it gets better after a while again.

BUT if i take orals it does NOT AFFECT ME AT ALL???

everyone i talk too have never heard of this and i even tried different "brands" of injectables but still the same issue every time.

has anyone here ever heard of this
any possible advice?
i really want to compete again but don't know if i can be competative when only taking orals?

help please??

that makes ZERO sense unless your injecting in your stomach .

and no you cant make it as a competitive bodybuilder on orals only.
I want to do an oral cycle of dbol with halo and pin decca and tren so that I can shut down my liver and kidneys and grow a big pair of gyno boobs. :D

Im taking one ml of dbol oral aday and i want to know if i can use this test with it injectable if so how much and what days shouldni take it?...thank you for your time and wealth of knowledge