P.S.L. Comes Through - Gear Porn


P.S.L. Representative
Just received my latest PSL order and put together a little Gear Porn.

This is a portion of the next two cycles... I didn't include everything in the photo -
so it's just a combo of the last couple orders.

View attachment 559998
Mine finally updated and will be waiting for me when I get off work! Nice pics gotta fill the spank bank!
You have good taste! A variety of products. Repo whats the next cycle going to be? :D

The next cycle will be Test-e, Tren-e, Dbol (or Tbol) and Anavar.

I haven't decided on the exact doses yet... I have A LOT on my plate with a new career move over the next couple months
so I might keep everything at a moderate level... but, knowing me - that wont hold me back.

However, the Dbol (or Tbol) with Anavar will both be at mild levels because of running two orals.

Primo is also in the near future but I'm not sure if it will make it into this cycle just yet - and I might end up running the new
test suspension 500mg instead of the test-e but I still haven't decided yet.

I'm still in my test and deca cycle, so I have some time to decide... with the new products coming out I feel like
a bitch trying decide on what pair of shoes to wear! :wallbash:
Repo, whats the advantage of running the 2 orals?

Orals that add a lot of mass quickly don't always keep the muscle shapely and very hard if people are on high calorie diets and lifting heavy for adding mass. Throwing in an oral that hardens really well can help you keep a more defined shape.
Repo, whats the advantage of running the 2 orals?

The advantage is specific to these compounds...

Anavar is a "Class I" anabolic steroide - and was designed to have a very strong separation of anabolic, and androgenic effect.
It's most effectively stacked with "Class II" compounds such as Dbol or Tbol.

Most people don't stack Anavar with Dbol - because they think of Anavar for cutting and Dbol for bulking - so it only makes sense to start the cycle with Dbol
and end with Anavar - plus both compounds aren't typically used for more than 6 weeks.

However, I am able to run them longer (and together) because I'm running the two at a lower level, so I'm not overdoing the oral compounds - which allows me to
take advantage of these two together for much longer periods... with minimal sides.

I originally got the idea of running them at low levels for longer periods, from reading of Arnold and Mentzer liking to run dbol at low levels
for very long periods.

Orals should also be taken on an empty stomach as food can decrease its bioavailability, caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones.
The advantage is specific to these compounds...

Anavar is a "Class I" anabolic steroide - and was designed to have a very strong separation of anabolic, and androgenic effect.
It's most effectively stacked with "Class II" compounds such as Dbol or Tbol.

Most people don't stack Anavar with Dbol - because they think of Anavar for cutting and Dbol for bulking - so it only makes sense to start the cycle with Dbol
and end with Anavar - plus both compounds aren't typically used for more than 6 weeks.

However, I am able to run them longer (and together) because I'm running the two at a lower level, so I'm not overdoing the oral compounds - which allows me to
take advantage of these two together for much longer periods... with minimal sides.

I originally got the idea of running them at low levels for longer periods, from reading of Arnold and Mentzer liking to run dbol at low levels
for very long periods.

Orals should also be taken on an empty stomach as food can decrease its bioavailability, caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones.

Sweet info... So what is considered a low dose of Var & Tbol by you and how would you run test & deca with them?

Im glad you mentioned taking orals on an empty stomach, I had read that before but it sort of slipped out of mind, thanks for the refresher!
Sweet info... So what is considered a low dose of Var & Tbol by you and how would you run test & deca with them?

Im glad you mentioned taking orals on an empty stomach, I had read that before but it sort of slipped out of mind, thanks for the refresher!

I would run the test and deca the same as you would normally run it... for me, the dbol and anavar is simply an addition to any cycle I'm planning
and personally don't change anything I'm pinning as a result of the orals.

There might be some cases where it's proper to change the test or deca ratios, but I just keep them the same as usual.

As far as the anavar and dbol... a mild dbol might be 30mg and anavar 30-40mg - but if I plan on running it for a long period
I'm usually keeping both of them around 20mg.

Some people might think that's too low to see a difference, but I'm not looking for that sudden extreme impact you would see from a cycle of dbol
at 50mg... it's more of putting that extra edge over the base of the cycle.

I have heard of really good feedback from some people who have run dbol at 30m and anavar at 40mg... which is usually my starting point
and then I cut them both down to 20mg for the extended portion of the cycle.