Sometimes i experience some pain when doing a shot.
Usually in quads i will do it just bellow my hip.
wake up next day and my knee feels sore.
Another time i did my chest went about 5 inch above nipple.
Next day the bottom of my Pec was tender from the shot,

Get a hot water bottle and apply it to the area then massage for 30 seconds apply again.
Repeat this for 15 minutes.

Does the job for me.
Im going to keep that in mind, I think another reason my back could be acting cause i have 3 bulged disc i got hurt at work, one of my coworkers was not looking where she was pushing her cart (cart weighs 200 pounds) ran into me, the reason i got hurt cause i got hit by the pole attached to it, its abt the size of ur pinky all the weight in one spot,,,,,, that dropped me straight down :wallbash: