People are asking if I'm on the juice


Lift, eat, sleep and grow
I hang out in a youth sports community and the people I socialize with are typically out of shape parents and coaches. My friend came to me yesterday and said that 3 different people have asked him if I was taking steroids. Granted...I am on cycle of test/tren, I'm 40 and for a 40 yr old to look this good it IS unusual. What sucks is that although I KNOW I've taken steroids I have been extremely dedicated. I eat 6 times a day, have 250 grams of protein a day, work out 5 days, cardio 5 days, etc. I have added 20 lbs and kept my waist at 34 inches. I am 5-9, 218 lbs and 14% BF.

If someone found out that I was on the juice they would automatically think that I cheated my way to look good. I like to think of it as chemically assisted. Many don't realize that if you just take roids and don't have your diet, workout and sleep patterns down then they will not work or work as well as they should. I've busted my ass, hit new personal records and pushed myself. While I'm happy about what I see in the mirror, I'm pretty bummed out about the way people react to someone that gets themselves into great shape.
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I know man but it still sucks that they can't say "wow, he looks good. Congrats to him" instead they say, "what the hell is he doing? is he on the juice?"
Just my thoughts, when i have been asked that same question in the past, i just respond with NO, I am on 6 chicken breasts a day, a dozen egg whites, oatmeal and a shit load of brown rice and tons of hard training, then I go get lunch. If you were natural or juicing that is still the secret to your success. Why answer differently, when it makes no difference. You wouldnt lift hard naturaly and then respond with an answer like "I am on creatine". Same thing in my book. Hope it helps, I understand the need to be respected for your accomplishments and not have ignorance of others tarnish that. Good luck bud.
I have the same prob. Some people look at me and ask me if i am on aas. others talk behind my back about it. others respect the way i look and how hard i work.

just the way it is. you got to come to terms with it, accept it and decide how you feel about it and stop worrying about what others think.

you do do aas. so they are correct.
yes I know I take them and truly I'm okay with that. I like that I am willing to do what many others are not. It's sort of the mantra of my life. In business I have taken some huge risks and some have tanked and some have paid off huge for me.
It's just the stigma that it carries. Like a magic bean or something. Many don't realize the dedication it takes to get this way. So they talk behind my back? Funny how nobody will say it to my face.
So you haven't had people come up to you and say loudly in front of a group of people "so you doing steroids now?"? You are lucky.

people are funny man. Gotta just blow them off.
why do people take creatine,glutamine even protein shakes ect?

To enhance their potential!

So what does it matter if you enhance your potential by adding a naturally occuring anabolic substance to your body?

no amount of gear is gunna make you look good if you arent dedicated!

I love haters
They just inspire me to train harder!
brizo said:
why do people take creatine,glutamine even protein shakes ect?

To enhance their potential!

So what does it matter if you enhance your potential by adding a naturally occuring anabolic substance to your body?

no amount of gear is gunna make you look good if you arent dedicated!

I love haters
They just inspire me to train harder!

You're right, but Tren or EQ as well as other Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) aren't exactly naturally occurring substances:)
I get the same problem as ya'll because I am 5'5 and wiegh between 203-207 and 13-14% bf and only have a 30'' waist. I lie like a mother fucker, I do not want anyone to know that I have illegal stuff in my house
Jimmykick said:
I hang out in a youth sports community and the people I socialize with are typically out of shape parents and coaches. My friend came to me yesterday and said that 3 different people have asked him if I was taking steroids. Granted...I am on cycle of test/tren, I'm 40 and for a 40 yr old to look this good it IS unusual. What sucks is that although I KNOW I've taken steroids I have been extremely dedicated. I eat 6 times a day, have 250 grams of protein a day, work out 5 days, cardio 5 days, etc. I have added 20 lbs and kept my waist at 34 inches. I am 5-9, 218 lbs and 14% BF.

If someone found out that I was on the juice they would automatically think that I cheated my way to look good. I like to think of it as chemically assisted. Many don't realize that if you just take roids and don't have your diet, workout and sleep patterns down then they will not work or work as well as they should. I've busted my ass, hit new personal records and pushed myself. While I'm happy about what I see in the mirror, I'm pretty bummed out about the way people react to someone that gets themselves into great shape.
Bro stop trying to cover your ass probably everyone on this board knows if you juicing all you have do sit on you’re ass, eat honey buns and drink soda’s. The 500,000 reps you did over the last 20 years didn’t have anything to do with right???? Tell the!
there mostly jealsous i think i have people come up to me all the time and ask or they joke about it it s annoying i have gotton many of lectures from my dad even before i started using he thought i was already using keep doing what your doing
I love how people will go to GNC to stack up on all thier "anabolic" supplements to raise testestorone levels.. or atleast think thats what its doing... but nooooo they would never do steroids becuase thats cheating! yeah they will smoke week and do other rec drugs.. but never steroids... i don't understand why people would do shit like coke, K, x, all that shit just for FUN and it destroys thier body ... but they won't take something that can change thier whole world! people are so ignorant... And why the hell aren't cigerettes illegal if they are KNOWN to cuase many different types of cancer... but on the other hands steroids are used in the medical field to save peoples lives!! We should be able to buy that shit in a local pharmacy! wtfffff!! im going on a rant just had to get that out.. theres more but i'll hold it in :)
I get a LOT of jealous hecklers at parties and shit if something goes down and I gotta handle things I immediatly get the "roid raging" comments and shit. Or how about when the first thing someone says is...what are you on these days. Honestly our community is the only group of people who really respect the work we put in. The others can suck a fat dick for all I care. When average guys see someone with actual muscle on thier frame they get defensive to cover the fact that they dont look as good. Its fucking gay, I give bigger guys all the respect in the world for achieving something we all want.

I got guys harrassing my girlfriend at work telling her my dick is tiny from steroids, all kinds of comments. Its funny how all this garners such negative attention for me. Anyone experience the same shit?