People running OP test e.....

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First pin this morning OP test 250. Same problem. Wicked pip. Have to say ive had a great experiance otherwise. Hope this feels better tommorow cuz its leg day. Tried their dbol this morning also. So far no sides. But i just took it this morning. :insane:
First pin this morning OP test 250. Same problem. Wicked pip. Have to say ive had a great experiance otherwise. Hope this feels better tommorow cuz its leg day. Tried their dbol this morning also. So far no sides. But i just took it this morning. :insane:

Report back tomorrow with an update. From my experience, it just gets worse 2-3 days after the pin. Like I said before, I don't get pip, I just get swelling and redness. This past Thursday was pin day for me, just this morning I work up with my bicep swollen and a little red. That's 4 days later and it was my delt that I pinned, funny how my bicep is the part that gets swollen and red. Now if it was at the injection site that's when I would worry about an infection. But since it isn't and now it's going on 6 weeks of this weird post injection whatever you wanna call it, I'm use to it. It is frustrating tho because after 2 days I think I'm fine and then it shows up.
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Report back tomorrow with an update. From my experience, it just gets worse 2-3 days after the pin. Like I said before, I don't get pip, I just get swelling and redness. This past Thursday was pin day for me, just this morning I work up with my bicep swollen and a little red. That's 4 days later and it was my delt that I pinned, funny how my bicep is the part that gets swollen and red. Now if it was at the injection site that's when I would worry about an infection. But since it isn't and now it's going on 6 weeks of this weird post injection whatever you wanna call it, I'm use to it. It is frustrating tho because after 2 days I think I'm fine and then it shows up.

Had the same issue pinning a delt once... my tricep swole up hude and was very red. It was so tight I was scared I was gonna get stretch marks! Lol
Had the same issue pinning a delt once... my tricep swole up hude and was very red. It was so tight I was scared I was gonna get stretch marks! Lol

Only once? Is/was it with op gear? I really don't think it has anything to do with injection techniques, I think it's the gear itself. Last night I pinned my left delt before I went to bed, as usual it feels fine as of now. Right now my right delt that I pinned last Thursday is red and hard right under the delt and before the bicep.
yea today my quad is sore as fuck...not red or swollen though and there is no knot. so im happy about that. I'm glad today isnt leg day because I would not be able to have a successful workout. I hope what you say isn't true about getting worst 2-3 days after, but it looks like you may be as my quad has gotten even more sore as the day has gone on.

This did happen to me the last time I used some UGL gear and with each pin it got better to the point of no PIP as the muscle got used to the hormone. I praying that is the case here. Otherwise ill be walking around like an old man with bunions.
yea today my quad is sore as fuck...not red or swollen though and there is no knot. so im happy about that. I'm glad today isnt leg day because I would not be able to have a successful workout. I hope what you say isn't true about getting worst 2-3 days after, but it looks like you may be as my quad has gotten even more sore as the day has gone on.

This did happen to me the last time I used some UGL gear and with each pin it got better to the point of no PIP as the muscle got used to the hormone. I praying that is the case here. Otherwise ill be walking around like an old man with bunions.

When did you pin your quad? And yeah keep us updated as the days go on.
When did you pin your quad? And yeah keep us updated as the days go on.

I pinned this past Monday. Last night my quad was hurting pretty bad. Not to the point I would stop using the gear. This morning it still hurts pretty bad but, it it does feel that it is starting to subside. Still no redness and no swelling or Knots. Other than the PIP I haven't had any other sides. Taking 250mgX2 a week of test E and 25mg of D-bol with no sides other than the PIP. Tomorrow will be my second pin, ill try my other quad. I don't want to pin the same quad regardless of it still being sore. Hopfully I wont be limping around the rest of the week. BTW I'm using a 25ga X 1'' 1 ml at a time and also taking around 30-45 sec to pin.
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So per Doc's suggestion, I pinned using a slin pin. Was a 29ga X 1/2". Was concerned with the short pin, but pushed deep as I could and injected very slowly and it took over a minute. Also, used 1ml this time.
This is the first time that I did not get the immediate burning from delt to bicep. So far, no pip.
Will report back in a couple days if that changes.
Here is a pic of what my right arm looks like today, just took the picture. Right now it is two bumps or lumps, whatever you wanna call them. Yesterday it was one solid lump and red. The redness has gone away some today, this is 6 days after the pin. As you can see, its not at the injection site, pretty much at the bottom of my delt.
Well I have PIP today. I'm totally taking blame on this one. I'm right handed and pinning with my left hand always sucks. I had a bad feeling before I even pinned so should've had my wife do it, she does them for me occasionally. I went in slower than normal, needle felt dull a little, I hit a nerve bout 1/4 of the way in and ignored it and went in rest of the way. Slowly pressed plunger like always, 60-90 seconds, felt slight sharp discomfort towards end of injection, had a very unsteady hand for some reason. When I pulled it out I felt it go by the nerve again and my arm jumped. Soon as I got it out deep, deep red blood run down my arm. Not like gushing but definitely running. I wiped it away and pressed on site for a few seconds and that pressure hurt like putting alcohol on a wound(I was using a swab) blood continued to trickle out fir a couple minutes then finely stopped. I immediately put hear on it as I knew I would have problems. Was tender in bed last night and is sore today but no lump or redness or swelling, just soreness in the muscle.

Lesson to be learned here to all. If your penetration doesn't go smooth pull out and try again. I've pinned myself literally hundreds of times and know better but rushed through it to get in bed and screwed myself. Guys don't do this, be patient and do it right.
Sorry, couldnt get it uploaded on this site, this should work....

You aren't injecting that low into your arm are you? That looks like it's on the side of your bicep... The one on the right I think your tattoo is making it look more "bulgy" than it may be.

*****Edit - it actually looks like it's on the edge of where your muscles meet...
You aren't injecting that low into your arm are you? That looks like it's on the side of your bicep... The one on the right I think your tattoo is making it look more "bulgy" than it may be.

*****Edit - it actually looks like it's on the edge of where your muscles meet...

Happened to me once but on the back between tricep/delt
You aren't injecting that low into your arm are you? That looks like it's on the side of your bicep... The one on the right I think your tattoo is making it look more "bulgy" than it may be.

*****Edit - it actually looks like it's on the edge of where your muscles meet...

No, injection is done up farther. Around the neck area of the tattoo
Wow. That's really weird. I can honestly say I've never seen or heard of this until you two. Maybe what doc is saying about doing it too early before bed and the liquid settling down lower has something to do with it??? It's not warm right?
Wow. That's really weird. I can honestly say I've never seen or heard of this until you two. Maybe what doc is saying about doing it too early before bed and the liquid settling down lower has something to do with it??? It's not warm right?

Not any warmer than normally.
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