Personal Opinions of Deca


I was just wondering what the regs think about Deca. How it has worked (or not) for them, what they prefer to stack with it, PCT, and there personal overall opinions of it in general.
Nandrolone is a great compound. I suggest a guy use NPP to see how it works, if he needs to "get out" early it will clear fast and pecker then restored sooner.

Nan can and will pack on some good gains you can keep.

One of the best compounds around.
Test and deca are all times favs. Test/deca/dbol bulkers dream. No specific pct for any cycle. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) always included in the ladder years

i agree with mike. great results like most others, if it's real. I used to be a big fan of deca but for a long time it was all under dosed or weak test being sold as deca. in my area, anyway.
if its g2g you should do well.
deca is good, gains are very solid, and its mostly quality gains and one of the easiest to keep in my opinion.

however the gains come slow, for me it takes at least 5 weeks to see changes from deca. it stays in the system for up to 18 months and has a half life of around 15 days which is one of the longest around. i would use it for at least 10 weeks, the optimum being 12-16. rule of thumb for dosage is 2mg per pound of body weight.

sides for me are oily skin and acne is worse than with test alone. some people get sides from the progesterone such as gyno etc letrozole is the best to combat this.

always stack with some form of test however i think the myth that you have to use more test than deca is bull IMO, deca reduces your natty test, not the amount youre injecting. one of my favourites.
I love Deca. I was brought up on Test and Deca as part of pretty much every cycle I did the first 3 years using gear.. Now a days everyone recommends Test only first cycle but I started with Test and Deca and ran those as a base for my first 6-7 cycles or so and got huge. I'm not recommending deca for a first cycle.. Just sharing my experience.. :)
How many cycles of just Test would you guys suggest someone gets under there belt before they should think about adding in something else, specifically Deca?

ty 4 reply's btw
As long as your running 300 of deca and for atleast 12 weeks it will def put on some shiznit. Prolactin sides are a normal problem with 19nors. Stay away from nolva on cycle because nolva apparently cause progesterone receptors to become more sensitive. This means that while using progestins such as Deca or Tren, you may become more sensetive to progestin related gyno.
Deca is good. I've used it myself and had some pretty decent results. Many people stack it with something like test and Dbol when they are bulking. Its also pretty good by itself
what do you think about Deca 250 + susta 250
1ml of both each week during 10weeks ? enough for a 1st cycle?
what do you think about Deca 250 + susta 250
1ml of both each week during 10weeks ? enough for a 1st cycle?

not really enough deca as far as weekly dosage and also 10 weeks long

& I know some guys would say not enough test either , but a long ester like Sustanon (sust) 250 was one of my fist cycle and i got plenty big

so your issue is the deca here get more for later cycle
This is a great thread. It seems to me the AAS users are pretty evenly split between Deca lovers and Tren lovers. My first cycle was Test/Deca. I got big fast, but had lotsa bloat, edema, HBP. And while I gained an easy 25 lbs, I lost a good 12 in post cycle therapy (pct). Deca took a long time to work itself from my system; I didn't recover full, natural sexual function till 16 weeks after my last inject even with post cycle therapy (pct).

For my next cycle I did Test/Tren. I was fucking in love. When the Tren E kicked in at 4 weeks, I knew I found "my girl." Lean, slow gains.. No bloat... Rock hard physique. My friends say I look like a mean, hungry boxer..... Nice!

I love to look around the gym and guess who's a Tren boy and who's a Deca boy. I like both looks. Deca boys are big, with big doughy muscles. Tren boys are lean and mean. I'm a hard gainer who hates the feeling of bloat. While I envy the sheer size of the Deca boys, I think I'll be dancing with lady Tren for years to come!
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test/deca is still the go-to stack for most pro bodybuilders so that says something... of course test/tren is nice as well, but test/deca can be run at very high dosages and still be comfortable to handle

so my personal opinion is that if u want to pack on some serious size eat big, train big and run test/deca at 600/600 (or similar) for 15 wks... u will enjoy it
This is a great thread. It seems to me the AAS users are pretty evenly split between Deca lovers and Tren lovers. My first cycle was Test/Deca. I got big fast, but had lotsa bloat, edema, HBP. And while I gained an easy 25 lbs, I lost a good 12 in post cycle therapy (pct). Deca took a long time to work itself from my system; I didn't recover full, natural sexual function till 16 weeks after my last inject even with post cycle therapy (pct).

For my next cycle I did Test/Tren. I was fucking in love. When the Tren E kicked in at 4 weeks, I knew I found "my girl." Lean, slow gains.. No bloat... Rock hard physique. My friends say I look like a mean, hungry boxer..... Nice!

I love to look around the gym and guess who's a Tren boy and who's a Deca boy. I like both looks. Deca boys are big, with big doughy muscles. Tren boys are lean and mean. I'm a hard gainer who hates the feeling of bloat. While I envy the sheer size of the Deca boys, I think I'll be dancing with lady Tren for years to come!

I have to agree w hornryfucker here..tren wins for me hands down. Tren E is better gains less shutdown for me. great thread btw.