Phatboy's recent pics

czekitt said:
thats how i wana look is it possible without steroids??

lol, doubt it. Unless you have the greatest genetics or some genetic defect like that baby who was born without the myostatin gene. Good luck
Damn. Looking Good man. I really don't see the lagging bodyparts but if you insist. Keep us posted on the competition. Good luck.
Looking great bro! Keep it up and youll kick some ass in the show. What weight are you aming for (in the competition)?
How many cycles have you run?

Brain pumper: Why would he do that?
brian pumper said:
Can we see your face?!

LOL.........................................HELL NO.

no offense but that would be pretty damn stupid. thanks for the compliments ladies and gents.
Bast said:
Looking great bro! Keep it up and youll kick some ass in the show. What weight are you aming for (in the competition)?
How many cycles have you run?

Brain pumper: Why would he do that?

hey my man thanks for the props. due to some female problems im gonna have to do a show at a later date (july). iv done several mild/low dose cycles.
at the time of the pic i was begining a heavy cycle. i got up to 275. i dont know how much ill weigh come contest time. i just wanna look good.
Damn, your apartment looks like mine used to hehe. Except now i have sheets for my bed. =) Looking huge bro!
i dont know why,byt black people are bigger tahn white:(
i think i will never looks like this guy, its imposible:|
When you posted that I have about the same size handles at 205lbs. as you do at 270lbs. I thought you were trying to say that I am a huge fat ass...but after looking at your pics I see that you are right. You are really lean and I have higher it makes sense. Your genetics are ideal and build is great! Thanks for your response and any info you can give me in the future is appreciated.
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brian pumper said:
Can we see your face?!

Why do you want to see his face, so you can jerk off on to the whole pic?

Looking good phatboy, trim down on that waist and you'll be kicking ass and taking numbers