Pic Of Novice.. Need Next Cycle Critique!!


New member
I am 22 years old, 6ft even, 175lbs, not sure my body fat.. Im Lookin to put on as much Lean Mass as Possible.. I have worked out for 2and a half years pretty consistantly and have ran 400mg of Sust and 300mg of Deca a week for 12 weeks. (about 9 months ago)

Im Lookin to run a T500(Test Cyp and En Blend)/Tren/ D Bol for 16 weeks..

Dbol at 40 mgs every day for first 4 weeks along with..
T500 @ 750mg a week (shot every 3 days) for 16 weeks
Tren @ 100 mg shot every other day for 16 weeks...

Have enough Nolv, Clomid, and Creatine from last cycle for PCT.. Let Me kno if this cycle will produce atleast 20lbs of Lean Muscle Mass!! My main focus is to gain as much qualitymuscle mass as poss.and still be pretty ripped.. All Critiques Welcome!! :newbie:
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looks like your heading in the right direction bro. Looks like your arms are lacking. Make sure you are lifting heavy weights.
looks like your heading in the right direction bro. Looks like your arms are lacking. Make sure you are lifting heavy weights.
Yeah I Kno, My Chest and Arms were extremely tiny before I cycled for the 1st time..Im workin on them tho.. I gained 23 lbs my 1st cycle going from 152 to 175 in 12 weeks, so I hope to gain more the 2nd time around, My goal is to maintain around 225lbs @ 8% BF.. Thanx For the imput guys, I wanna hear everone's idea's and tweaks on this cycle!!
Just like MoM said, drop some compounds or lower the doses. Looks like too much for someone with your stats.