Pickle Bunny

what a stud. i think its awesome seeing dudes in their forties and fifties looking better than most guys in their twenties.

Nice work old man. Love the Beiberific smile. :D
what a stud. i think its awesome seeing dudes in their forties and fifties looking better than most guys in their twenties.

Nice work old man. Love the Beiberific smile. :D

Thanks beefer. Trying to pack mass at 54 is like a bucket with a hole it it.
At the moment I am just a smidge bigger but my body doesnt want to stay there.
If I back off it starts to atrophy quickly.
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hahahaha! i always new there was something different about beiber.
looking good man!!!! for 54 thats very impressive by any standards.
Thanks beefer. Trying to pack mass at 54 is like a bucket with a hole it it.
At the moment I am just a smidge bigger but my body doesnt want to stay there.
If I back off it starts to atrophy quickly.

i don't like studies as you know, but i seem to remember something about homeostasis actually reversing, not just trying to stay put, at a certain age.

Again, could be bullshit, but we know everything gets tougher when you get older. Thank god for Cialis. lol
In that pic it was 225 5'11 about 14%

I got bad diabetes and dropped like a stone to 195. age 51-53
Got blood work and meds to level off the sugar.

217 today on my way up to 230 then trim it back to 225

Bro.... at 54 years YOUNG.... Shit... to look that good? And have that type of skin tone and soft facial features! Truly blessed.

IMO, and I'd never tell someone to shy away from any goals that they have, but I'm not really sure I'd be doing the up and down thing if I were you? I'm 36 years old. 5'11", 270 (my avatar pic is June, 2010... 6months ago, so current), and as I'm sure you know, getting there is a bitch, but maintaining it is even harder. I'm really debating myself, on beginning a very slow body re-comp just that that I'm not facing it all at once in a few years. I'm thinking I could slowly ride down to 240-245, maybe even a bit lower and be real happy. In your case, you may want to just proceed with what you've been doing, and if your body wants to remain "status quo", so be it. You'll still look incredible. I mean that with all respect and positivity. Great work.
I agree with everyone. Great shape. You put the majority of 20 year olds to shame. Shows your dedication to overall fitness even with some big road blocks like Diabetes. I wish I will look that damn good by the time I am your age.
im impressed... i hope to keep such a frame when im your age...

very inspirational... thumbs up
That's great Bunny!

I would have never thought you are 50 in those pictures...

Very inspirational ... "Well done!" :)