pics pre test cycle


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Hey guys just want to post some pre pics to help me keep track of my test cycle. I'm just doing 500mg test e for 12 weeks. I'm 5' 11" 205lbs right now, not sure on BF%?
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great physique, you are readdy for that Cycle, keep us posted.
I bet bf is like 7% (maybe less). I always like to cut down on bf b4 cycle.
I usually walk around 15%. But pre cycle like to get to atleast below 10%.
I have never been below 9%. Its so hard to do.
Thanks for the compliments guys. I've been able to maintain this size for a couple years now on a pretty bad, inconsistent diet, but I lift pretty hard. I truly believe this is about it for me natural, so I'm looking forward to my first cycle.
you look good dude, no way that your 7%bf tho. your lean but i wouldnt think your much lower than 10-12%
I'm hoping to get up to ~225lbs on this cycle of 500mg test e. I started my second week today, and i'm weighing 210lbs.
Exactly 4 weeks ago I was getting back into squats and hit 365x3 last set, today I hit 425x3 last set and weighed 218lbs:)