pics pre test cycle

Well my left nipple started to get pretty sore a few days ago, so I've been taking nolva 40mg a day. I guess since I'm only taking a test cycle, this means its estrogen related gyno, and I should take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I do test again?
I would say a good size quad would be 30" (at least thats what I'm aiming for).

Good luck with that lol, I love training legs and going hard with them but it seems like none of my clothes fit right and I cant wear jeans and my legs arent even close to 30"... Im gonna just shred my legs, hopefully resulting in the old classic Arnold legs, Medium size but fucking beastly.
Well my left nipple started to get pretty sore a few days ago, so I've been taking nolva 40mg a day. I guess since I'm only taking a test cycle, this means its estrogen related gyno, and I should take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I do test again?

Nolvadex will suffice for the time being but you really should get an A/I now and def next cycle. Wost thing I ever did was NOT run an A/I DURING cycle, idc what anyone says, run an A/I during every fucking cycle, I fucked up and am now im going for surgery soon seeing how high dose Letro/Prami doesnt seem to be working for me.
Looks like you are making very good progress. Hope the letro works out for you. I will take aromasin with test e, proviron and follow up with clomid and/or nolva during post cycle therapy (pct). I guess preventative measures are not to be overlooked or a waste of money.

Test E is pretty popular/almost necessary cycle to run for first time. Gyno is a major issue and concern for everyone imo... Im interested in seeing the results of your effort to combat this and just hope it does not develop into a problem later.
Well since I had to start the letro e3d I haven't gained anymore weight(220). But I found some old superdrol I had and added it to my cycle, and I've leaned up a ton and my strength has gone through the roof! My 1 rep max on bench was 315 and squat was 405. This week I hit 365 on bench and 475 on squat...
Well since I had to start the letro e3d I haven't gained anymore weight(220). But I found some old superdrol I had and added it to my cycle, and I've leaned up a ton and my strength has gone through the roof! My 1 rep max on bench was 315 and squat was 405. This week I hit 365 on bench and 475 on squat...

hey bud
looks like a great first cycle and you have an awesome starting place natty - grats on that accomplishment. Personally, I think the letro is a bit harsh and slows gains. I would go with adex eod or exemestane eod .25ml. i think both are easier on your system and keep you drier. Don't over do it tho - your joints will start to hurt is you whack all the estrogen.

Good luck dude! you should do really well w/ that.
you look great man.. keep us posted on your results.. i would say you will finish off at 225lbs and keep it no problem. your only about an inch smaller than me on arms and 2" smaller on legs.. but i weigh 255lbs.. so great job.