Planning to now add to my TRT for gains


New member
So I've been on TRT for about 3 months now. 100mg cyp twice a week + hcg and a little ai.
Feeling great now. Low T symptoms gone.

Last blood said my T >1500 at peak, which I know is very high for TRT.

After 3 months, I would think I should see major improvement in gains and strength,
but I don't. So now I'm thinking about adding some prop.

I'm 45 yo, 6' 1", 200lb, around 15% bf. I lift heavy, split routine, 5 on / 2 off.
20 minutes steady cardio 5x/week, usually right after lifting. Drinking lots of water, getting
plenty of sleep. Eat clean at about maintenance calories. Not trying to bulk right now.

Would like to get to 10% bf by Spring, but add significant mass at same time.

I ordered 4 vials of 100mg/10ml of prop. Thinking about mixing it in with cyp
(so no extra pinning) and slightly increase ai.

Planning to go up to 500 total and see if that helps.
Do not want to stack anything else with test right now.

What do you guys think?
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Can't comment on your Test protocol, but wanted to give my 2 cents on your cardio/lifting routine. Everyone is different, so things could be working great for you, so disregard this if it is (I do get annoyed sometimes when people recommend fitness stuff). But, have you considered dropping a lifting day and adding in some sprints (or hill sprints, or prowler/sled work)?

Really helped me to shed some fat a couple years ago before low T symptoms hit.
Considering you've only been on trt for 3 months, most likely your doc will have you schedule an appt for testing to make sure everything is dialed in. If your blasting, obviously that will raise a red flag. As far as mixing prop with cyp so you don't have extra pinning, that won't work. Prop is a short ester that needs pinned every other day to maintain stable blood levels. Pinning it twice a week will put you on a roller coaster with your levels and sides would likely be horrible. As far as losing body fat and gaining muscle mass, pick one or the other. Seasoned pros can't even do that with success. Either cut or bulk. Can't do both...
Can't comment on your Test protocol, but wanted to give my 2 cents on your cardio/lifting routine. Everyone is different, so things could be working great for you, so disregard this if it is (I do get annoyed sometimes when people recommend fitness stuff). But, have you considered dropping a lifting day and adding in some sprints (or hill sprints, or prowler/sled work)?

Really helped me to shed some fat a couple years ago before low T symptoms hit.

Thanks for the advice. :)
Considering you've only been on trt for 3 months, most likely your doc will have you schedule an appt for testing to make sure everything is dialed in. If your blasting, obviously that will raise a red flag. As far as mixing prop with cyp so you don't have extra pinning, that won't work. Prop is a short ester that needs pinned every other day to maintain stable blood levels. Pinning it twice a week will put you on a roller coaster with your levels and sides would likely be horrible. As far as losing body fat and gaining muscle mass, pick one or the other. Seasoned pros can't even do that with success. Either cut or bulk. Can't do both...

I go through a wellness clinic. They test once a year. I test privately more often.

There will be a big difference between pinning the prop EOD vs every third day like I do with the cyp? Hmmm.

On your last item, I know in my head that's true, but I hoped the test would allow for both to some degree.
It's normally very hard to add significant mass at the same time as cutting. Imo I think you'd prob be better served cutting or carb cycling down to your desired bf% or something you think is acceptable and the doing a lean bulk.

Edit ha...I didn't read the last couple sentences of tbone's post, he hit it on the head
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Wow. On your TRT ptotocal you are already at TT levels that match those cycling

Agree with others that diet is king. Bulk or cut but not both. If you are looking to add mass, make sure your caloric intake is high. For your size you should be around 4-5000 calories. I'm 5 9 165 and consume over 3000 to give you a reference point.

With prop, the challenge will be managing e2. It's a very short ester and will quickly convert to e2.

Have you looked into labcorp to get your real TT levels rather than >1500?
I'm a newbie here, but the 1/2 life of prop isn't going to do it. Most newbie cycles are 500mg cyp or e / wk.