please advise with first cycle


New member

i am about to start my first steroid cycle.i've been weight training for 2yrs and my stats are:

24yrs; 6ft2 and 213lbs 14%bf.

i have the following:
QV deca 300 10ml and anabolin-10mg(methandrostenolone) 100tabs
its all still wrapped and the hologram& batch numbers check out.

this is my planned cycle wich i want to start as soon as i can get some feedback from you guys:

week 1-6: pyrimad from 1tab p/d in week 1 to 3tabs p/d in week 3,4&5 and back down to 1 in week6.

300mg day 1 and again on day 5 thereafter 300mg p/week till week 8

i have done a bit of reading and think i understand the importance of post cycle recovery.i can get clomid and possibly clenbuterol but not nolva or hcg.

would it be appropriate to start on clenbuterol when i finish my deca and then after 3 weeks switch to clomid for another 4weeks?

my metabolism is relatively fast and i have been bulking up the past 3months, which is why i have 14%bf.
how much lean muscle can i possibly gain from this cycle?

i would greatly appreciate any informed input.

I'd run the Deca for at least 10-12 weeks, it's a long ester and you won't get alot out of it for a few weeks anyway. Should also try to score some Test Enanthate or Test Cyp and run that at 500-600mg weekly for at least the same duration as the Deca maybe even one week longer since the deca is a longer ester. That will add some serious additional mass and help counter the Deca shutting down MR Winky. You don't have to pyramid the Dbol, I would run 3x10mg tabs a day one in morning, one afternoon and one couple hours before you go to bed. Good way to break the shots would be to shoot twice a week, say Monday and Thursday 250-300mg Test E or Cyp and 150mg deca, that will help keep your blood levels consistant through out the cycle. Start your clomid 2 weeks after last shot. You're going to want to eat probably close to 4500 cals minimum with about 1600 cals coming from Protien alone(400gms) daily. Deca and dbol aren't going to provide alot of noticable lean mass till after the bloat subsides post cycle. If diet, training and sleep are all good a 25lb weight gain overall wouldn't be out of the question, However alot will be fluid retention and during post cycle you will probably drop around 10 lbs of that, but that 15lb remainder would be your lean mass. Everyone is different of course so could be more or less depending on too many variables to consider..

Welcome. I will say what most a Test ONLY cycle first. There are many reasons as to why, but IMO one of the most important is to see how you react to just 1 compound as far as sides go. If you start with multiple compounds, you may not know where your sides are coming from. Plus, Test is Best. :D
thanks for the replies

it poses a problem though.i live in a remote part of southern africa and the stuff is not readily accessable to me.i had to go through a lot of trouble just to get the deca and dianabol.i can get the clomid through a dodgy pharmacist but not much in the way of test.

what would you recommend i do with what i have?(deca&dianabol)
take only one compound?

thanks again
Sound like you are in a tough situation. I would run both compounds. Don't bother tapering up on the dbol, but the tapering down would ease you body the dbol and onto the deca.
weeks 1-4 dbol 30mg
Week 5 Dbol 20mg
Week 6 Dbol 10mg
Weeks 1-8 Deca 300mg
Start post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after last shot of deca and you should experience awsome gains.
pipes said:
Sound like you are in a tough situation. I would run both compounds. Don't bother tapering up on the dbol, but the tapering down would ease you body the dbol and onto the deca.
weeks 1-4 dbol 30mg
Week 5 Dbol 20mg
Week 6 Dbol 10mg
Weeks 1-8 Deca 300mg
Start post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after last shot of deca and you should experience awsome gains.
I always liked this idea of running dbol, but no one ever listened to me when i recommended it, lol. It makes much more sense than just stopping completely after four weeks IMO.
thanks a lot for the advice guys.

just a question about pct,

i can get my hands on clomid and possibly clenbuterol but unfortunately not hcg.
would you recommend both clomid and clen or just clomid?
(doing the clenbuterol for 3weeks after last shot till i get on the clomid)

i really appreciate your feedback pipes & jcp2.
Clen has some great anti catabolic properties that could benifit you greatly during your post cycle therapy (pct) period. Run em both if you have them.
pipes said:
Clen has some great anti catabolic properties that could benifit you greatly during your post cycle therapy (pct) period. Run em both if you have them.

That is, and probably will continue to be debated for a long time. IMO, Clen is NOT anti-catabolic at all.
StoneColdNTO said:
That is, and probably will continue to be debated for a long time. IMO, Clen is NOT anti-catabolic at all.
I agree with this as well, from my experiences clen is pretty much worthless post cycle.