Plz ppl reason with me here...

I'm not a troll~! Trolls are people who say things just to get a reaction out of people and I'm telling you the truth about everything my bf does... :toilet: I'll even show you more videos of him acting crazy at work. I have literally a ton on my phone. I do have a sense of humor though and try to make a joke out of some situations but I'm not telling you guys these things because I get a kick out of it! I want to know if these could possibly be effects from things he's using!!!:help:
[FTV]<embed src="" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340" allowscriptaccess="always" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></embed>[/FTV]
here he is again...
SOrry But life is to short to have people like this in your life. It like sitting around and waiting for a bomb to go off.

He clearly is messed up and there is no fix people like that. Move on. You might have to move to a new city to get away from him.

DUMP HIM! He seems like a real grouch...
Lets say your telling the truth...A) why would even bother embarrassing yourself by embarrassing your boyfriend on the net like such. Do you think he would care? stupid question... probably not... he probably get a kick out of it.
B) You have your own issues obviously for posting such and if your stupid enough to not to be able to figure out that he is a lose cannon with some mental problems... well then... what can we possibly do to help you? Where not psychiatrist here.

What do you want us to tell you? that has not already been said? Going to post another video of him again? the guy needs to be shot period...anyone who acts like that has problems and I would not want to be around such a person.... especially around any of my family and friend. Anyone came around my family acting like that would get a good swift kick to the teeth.

So hope that answers any of your questions and please no more stupid video :)
How are you familiar with the lingo if you're new here? Either you're a troll or on crack or you're just a cracked out troll.
things he's using??

sounds to me like your "bf" is bipolar.. type 1 probably.. with a social disorder on top of it... and maybe some tren.. lol