I am banned!
In other words, WHO's presence in the White House will SCREW you LESS with ALL GEAR issues? ...........
grafix-gnc said:im not voting because of who will benefit me more on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) issues...
jarbulldog said:ok bush had his change in office and he has not done the job, he wants to lower taxes for the upper class and kerry wants to lower taxes for the middle class. bush also is on this religious kick and look what he has done with the fcc is bullshit, look what he has done to stern. i think we should give someone else a chance and if kerry does not do the job then in 4 years we vote someone else.
blackbeard said:bush..i can understand those that arent happy with bush..but come on do you really think kerry can do a better job?
As someone that was there on 9-11 i just dont think kerry has what it takes to carry out this war on terror..is gig is to bring in the french russina sn and germans..well those 3 especially russia and france have been stealing millions from us through the oil for food deal..do you really think theyre all of a sudden gonna comiit troops to iraq or any other cointry we feel is a threat to us??..for me until we are no longer under a terrorist threat any election will be about our protection..
I pose a question to the kerry supporters..he always says "my plan" can anyone explain what his plan is? to me he reads like a resume he has all these bullet points but when you talk to him about the substance behind those points theres none..
latinking24 said:we live in a very religious world...name a good leader in the world who isnt religious...
Bush is still the man...i get tired of people crying about us going to Iraq...after Sept. 11 everyone said we should have done something before to stop it...well thats what Iraq is all about...we stopped them before they could pull some shit like that....dont cry about your kids going to war...it they are in the damn army what do you expect them to be doing?? playing poker somewhere??