Community Veteran
I was almost 230 at 16, strong but a definately soft, went to west virginia, and would only train in the summers to get myself back into shape, finally the second half of my fourth year ( not my senior year) i got back into it. The beginning of my fifth year i passed out sitting on my porch smoking a butt, and tumbled backwards six feet down onto my neck and shoulder. That is still a little problem. That set me back until the second semester my fifth year, and from their i kept up pretty good, some breaks, quit drinking hard and doing drugs a year later, and from their pretty much never looked back. Now i don't take too many breaks, and not more that 2 or 3 weeks at a time. I honestly wouldn't know what to do with myself if i didn't workout, and my biggest fear is that I would slip back into drugs and drinking. I am probably and alcoholic and have pondered going to AA a few times, but i think the gym has kept me stable the last four years, and i try hard to control myself the rare times i drink now.