Popping the cherry!


New member
Alright guy's I'm finally diving in. I've already had my first pin, which was on monday. I'll be injecting eo3 250mg/1mL and running for a total of 20wks(might change). Keeping my diet more of less where it is, going to modify one of two of my meals(lean bulk). And keeping my training aggresive and intense. I'll be running the formex at 50mg(2 pills) per day, I've got the liquid nolva on hand, and some liqua vade @ one dose a week(5mLs) to help keep my natty test levels/balls in check. Hands were a little shaky when I went to inject, but it when in completly painless! Although I must say my quad is pretty damn sore! I'd love any input or advice you guys' have got for me!


The previous sponsors gear was completly fucking bunk. I've switched to ambro test as of 2 1/2 weeks ago.
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yea just had an injection yest in my glute no real soreness that i can feel so my suggestion would be to stick with glute injections.. I tried both delts and the soreness is kind of a bitch but other than that dude good luck
Alright guy's I'm finally diving in. I've already had my first pin, which was on monday. I'll be injecting mon, thur 250mg/1mL and running for a total of 20wks. Keeping my diet more of less where it is, going to modify one of two of my meals(lean bulk). And keeping my training aggresive and intense. I'll be running the formex at 50mg(2 pills) per day, I've got the liquid nolva on hand, and some liqua vade @ one dose a week(5mLs) to help keep my natty test levels/balls in check. Hands were a little shaky when I went to inject, but it when in completly painless! Although I must say my quad is pretty damn sore! I'd love any input or advice you guys' have got for me!

how many servings that liquid nolva come with? sorry about the randomness of the question just thinking about trying it
Lol thats why I'm afraid to inject glutes. If I have the pain in my glutes that I do in my quad it'd be a bitch just to make it through the day. Lol exuse me for sounding like a pussy but I'm suprised it hurts this much. It feels like a bad black and blue but it's not skin deep, its way down in my muscle. I'm excited to start seeing results, this is going to be great! Will do my second injection tomorrow morning. I'd love to hear from some of you other regulars!

P.S. 50 servings of 20mg. It's 50mL total 20mg/mL
U will get use to the pain from the injections bro. There is no pain like that kinda pain Imo. I fuckin love it!!!
U need to switch injection sites as well. Delt, delt, glute, glute, then back to delts.
injections are easy after the first 3-4 times as soon as u establish sites.. just focus on your diet and train hard buddy.. did i mention i'm also on my first cycle test e for 12 weeks! im on shot 6 already so if u have any questions just let me know via PM or comment my thread
At the beginning of my cycle (my first also), it seemed most of the soreness in the glute was me not keeping the needle as steady as possible and injecting too fast. At first my quads where painful but now I prefer them. They are so much easier to inject for us not so flexible noobs ;) Injecting slow, with steady hands, and massaging well for several mins, seems to leave my quads with no more than a tiny sore spot that afternoon... which is gone by the morning. I also am running the same test you have there. Enjoy it!
glad to see ya did it!
looking forward to tracking your progress.
for now eat up, and train hard bro.
U will get use to the pain from the injections bro. There is no pain like that kinda pain Imo. I fuckin love it!!!

I'm starting to get what your talking about biggin. It's pretty bad ass walking around being reminded by the soreness in my quads that I'm on the fucking juice! Had my second injection on thur, pinned in the morning with the hopes that I'd be able to walk out most of the soreness by the end of the day....lol didn't happen. Will be doing 3rd injection on monday. I feel like I'm slackin in my diet some what though, it's either that or I've just gotten pretty fucking used to eating the way you have to.
It's hard to eat right on a consistent basis, don't fret over that too much, I do all the time, trust me when I say, it's not worth it as long as U know U are doing all U can!! There's nothing like injection pain 2-3 days later, U like it now, but U are going to love it sooner than U think!!
Couldn't wait....did third injection about 2 minutes ago(about 3in higher than last injection on my right quad). I figured pinning a day early wouldn't hurt much. Can't wait for workout tomorrow. Two off days in a row sometimes kill me, I just feel like I should be back hitting the gym. Read some really eduactional posts' about training/volume from JP and I'll be hitting the weights from now on with that mentality. I think I'm going to change my weekends up a little bit and try to get a better nighttime/daytime schedule in. Sometimes staying up late/waking up late fucks up my diet. Looking forward to thanksgiving and some good ol' eats. So I'll be sure to get in three good sessions seeing as the Gold's near me definatly won't be open come thursday. Still having slight difficutly when drawing from the vial. The last two times I aspirated, I got no blood, but a small bubble is this normal?
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who do u mean by small bubble? air bubble in the syringe or do u get that after u aspirate? the air bubble can help if u guide it to the back of the gear that way when u inject u make sure everything gets in and nones left in the syringe
Running 20wk's because I want some serious noticible results plus other reasons I can get into if your THAT interested. Im getting the bubble when the needle is in my quad and I aspirate. On a side note I have another question: My last two injections were mid left and right quad and I got normal soreness on that site, but the tension/soreness moved down my leg right above my knee towards the outside peak of my quad. Is this normal? Why would the discomfort change locations? Is my gear stuck? If my description didn't make sense I'd be glad to post up some pics.