Popping the cherry!

i just did my 8th injection friday and had an amazing bi workout today.. pump was great and i increased in strength.. i weighed about 177 b4 the cycle and now im at 189!! just posting this for inspiration and something to look foward to! dude just eat! it doesnt all have to be clean just try and gain weight bro and make sure ur doing cardio and maintaining you bf% you don't want that to go up 2 high... oh and as for the air bubble, when your drawing from the vile draw a little extra wait for the bubble to reach the top and push it into the bottle thats what i do
sounds like your doing just fine-i just meant the others hatin in the gym-i think that as soon as i jump on.

i know what it is like-i had bad injection on wed-in my left delt-i was in a hurry-in the damn bathroom. when i went it i hit a spot that made my jump a lil-and now my shoulder is swole up. its weird-after i go to the gym-if i dont workout that muscle-its like the bloodflow moves the shit around in there and loosens it up for me. it feels way better now and the swelling is reducing. long story short-dont trip-you doing fine-plus the pump is just un-fucking real :Pump:
Did 6th injection today. Still not noticing any noticible effects. Tweaking the diet a little bit. Have noticed that I want to fucking rail any hot chick I see but that just feels pretty typical lol. Theres probably only about....1.5-2mL left in my first vial which makes me sad:thumbsdow . Today I noticed a tiny bit more agression getting in the last reps and really sticking them in a couple of my exercises but that could just be because I wanted to beat my partner. Looking for reasurance that I'll know damn well when the test kicks in, I'd be super fucking dissapointed if this is it.
you will know-but at the same time-on my last cycle-since i didnt know what feeling i was looking for-i didnt really feel it til like week 6-i mean libido was up at week 4 but it takes a minute for the strength to come.
Well I'm 17 days in, 7 injections. I can't wait for the strength and size gains! Last injection was extremly smooth little to no soreness the day after, getting better at injecting. Have been getting random raging boners and maybe an increase in recovery time but that could just be in my head. How many more days/injections will I be looking at until I really know I'm on the fuckin juice? Any advice is appreciated guys'
Did 8th injection about 30min ago, went smoothly. Theres only 1mL give or take left in my first vile. I can't really explain how much I'm looking forward to when this gear really starts to hit me. Seriously though lol enough waiting already. Any wisdom?
im not believing the 8 week theory i feel a rush everyday of injection and it lasts the next two days especially the raging boners and a serious sense of aggession. im told everytime buy my partner he can see it when i take the injection that my mindset is just tottaly different???? im only taking 250 mg of test per shot and im 5'3 240lbs for mee week three was the most intense for me and now its starting to taper down a little im on week 5 i havent gained much weight but i was already heavy im just transforming fat into muscle, you can almost feel it working in the fatty areas thats where my body aches occurr, as far as recovery goes i feel like i can do the same body part everyday i dont seem to get muscle fatigue when im on. Not trying to discourage you but just comparing results....
You should be feeling some sort of changes by now IMO. Hopefully this isn't turning into another underdosed thread. Have you noticed an increase in your libido or oily skin? Those are the first that hit me. Then I notice I can do a million sets and not get tired. Then strength gains, then people start commenting on how I'm a beast then my own noticible physical changes in that exact order.

Hope this works out for ya but this is why I will only fuck with short esters here on out. Too much waiting around & wondering with your fingers crossed. With prop you know within a week if it's gtg or not.

Good luck man
Then thats fucked up. I'm 20 days in and I've noticed some increase in libido but I'm just a horny dude. Sometimes in my sets I'm able to throw up the same weight(or slightly more) a little bit easier than my first or second set but I figured it's just because I didn't have as much rest in between the other sets. What I'm describing there really isn't something noticible. As for oily skin I almost always have it. If I should be feeling it now then something is out of wack. I'm not understanding how this works? Is this going to be something that I just notice one day and I'll be like holy shit I'm on the juice? I've been injecting eo3 in hopes to bring about results faster. Please advise. I'll be injecting tomorrow evening....should I increase to 2cc's eo3 until I notice anything?
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just wait a lil longer-but he is right you should notice changes-oily-libido

libido goes way up for me-i was not that horny when i was 18
Well now that I've said all that I woke up incredibly sore this morning and I'm already feeeling noticibly better. But that could be from just walking around and being warm all day? As for the oily skin it's just hard for me to tell....I'll update tomorrow evening. I really appreciate everyone chimming in, and if you havn't already please do!
I have always heard good thing about **** Labs gear so I wouldnt think you got a bad batch. although....they are not a sponsor anymore so who knows. Keep it up and let us know how it works out for you.
Just did my 10th pin. Right when I stuck the needle in I got a fairly sharp pain, kept pushing aspirated and injected. Any thoughts on what the pain could of been? Injected 1.5mL tonight cause that was all that was left in the vial figured I'd finish it off. Today I noticed an increase in my ability to do some of my secondary exercises. My bench was the same, incline the same, but my triceps were blastin. I was able to do 90lbs DB's on my last set of standing tricep extensions, and I noticed that throughout my workout although I was sweating like a beast I really wasn't tired and still had alot left in the tank. Is this the begining of my effects? I'm hardly sore from my workout on saturday which I woke up from last morning with some serious soreness. Is it starting to kick in or is all this in my head? Kudos to our previous sponsor for really filling the vials with 10mL's+ another mL or so. But I'll revoke that statement if this shit doesn't work! Wisdom/advice?
Just did my 10th pin. Right when I stuck the needle in I got a fairly sharp pain, kept pushing aspirated and injected. Any thoughts on what the pain could of been?

I usually just stick the whole needle in real quick, and it's painless.
Do you go slowly, I tried that once and when I was about halfway in I don't know what the fuck I hit but it hurt like a bitch.
Every other injection I'v done I jab super quick and it's absolutely painless.