New member
yeh that does seem just a tad long for a first time, but im sure you got your reasons. IMO i would only run it for 12 weeks
If its your first you will make huge gains with a 12 weeker. No need to abuse!
yeh that does seem just a tad long for a first time, but im sure you got your reasons. IMO i would only run it for 12 weeks
20 weeks for a first cycle? Why such a long cycle?
yea man happens to me sometimes-gravity just pulls the sauce down. shouldnt be a big deal. just keep an eye out for redness, fever and warm to touch.
when injecting i have found that pinching the skin really helps with the pain. also as others stated above-try to keep needle straight with lil movement once you have inserted the needle.
i made a thread about quad injections-Scarz posted this 70's army injection video-its funny, kinda lame-but some really great info in there. i can bump if you like. only thing i do a lil different-they pierce reallt fast -i go slower
I'm not pointing my finger I'm giving the kid good advice. Nobody with half a brain would reccomend a 20 week first cycle. Do what you want Rougen, just realize most of the guys saying it's all good are middle aged dudes running tremendous amounts of gear, who've forgotten what it means to run low doses, or are simply in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) & never come off. My advice is an honest response from personal experince, Im not on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) & don't run pro BB amounts. The one problem here is people tend to take advice from people who are nowhere close to themselves & assume they're in the same boat as those giving the advice. With all due respect to these dudes, you guys should be looking out for beginers not encouraging misuse/abuse especially for a newbie. Do whatever you want dude I'm just venting. If you want to learn from your own mistakes go ahead