New member
Want to kick this post off by thanking ya'll for following me! Especially for the last couple posts. I can't agree with ya'll more I think I went into this with the wrong mentality/expectations. Your right jj I was expecting heroin for my muscles lol! Today definatly felt different. On some of my sets I did more reps later on, in the sets with heavier weight than I would of done normally because I was able to, not to mention it helps to have a friend to compete against, he did mention that he noticed alot more hair growth on my chest/stomach which I have also seemed to notice in the last week or so. Just felt a little bit different today in the gym, especially on my dorian rows. I ran the **** for the equivalent of two entire 10+mL vials, increasing dosages toward the end to try and get SOMETHING out of it.
DORIAN ROWS;65X12,135X8,155X8,165X6,165X12,175X4,185X8
STANDING W LIFTS(two sets standing, two sets seated);30X8,40X8,30X8,40X8
LAT PULLDOWN(the pull down at the gym I worked out at today has a really rough cable so I assume about 15lbs heavier than the weights I put on, note I didn't calculate that into this exercises, so you can add them yourself);100X8,118X8,128X8,138X6,158X4
PULL UPS; I'm pretty pathetic at them, did about two sets of 5 and then was just too pumped up and did another set of about 8 with a spotter and alot of help.
CLOSE GRIP(with the close gripped v-bar)-LATPULL DOWN(same roughness on cable);98X8,108X8,128X6
Then did about 5-8 minutes of abs with short breaks
To give a little bit more emphasis on the roughness of the cable on the pull down machine, when I go to Gold's I can get up to 170lbs on the pulldown machines, whereas at this place I can only make it to about 155ish
I think I can feel the test.....
DORIAN ROWS;65X12,135X8,155X8,165X6,165X12,175X4,185X8
STANDING W LIFTS(two sets standing, two sets seated);30X8,40X8,30X8,40X8
LAT PULLDOWN(the pull down at the gym I worked out at today has a really rough cable so I assume about 15lbs heavier than the weights I put on, note I didn't calculate that into this exercises, so you can add them yourself);100X8,118X8,128X8,138X6,158X4
PULL UPS; I'm pretty pathetic at them, did about two sets of 5 and then was just too pumped up and did another set of about 8 with a spotter and alot of help.
CLOSE GRIP(with the close gripped v-bar)-LATPULL DOWN(same roughness on cable);98X8,108X8,128X6
Then did about 5-8 minutes of abs with short breaks
To give a little bit more emphasis on the roughness of the cable on the pull down machine, when I go to Gold's I can get up to 170lbs on the pulldown machines, whereas at this place I can only make it to about 155ish
I think I can feel the test.....
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