Post your squats


Active member
Ok, I ws one of those a-holes who never squated. Leg press was enough. Now I love it! I managed to get up to 345lbs for reps which is alot for me. What are you guys squating at your weight? I'm 173lbs @ 6%. I look forward to it every week. I want to go back today and I do legs on Tues.
My best squat was a loose suited 800 in May of this year. Hurt hamstring tendon after that and I've since came back and hit a solid 675 without knee wraps and a loose suit.

I mostly do box squats though...

B True
I'm not a big lifter at all. I usually finish my last set of squats with 405 for 12 reps. I am hoping I can hit 500 for reps in the near future.
455x6 at 235, I hate squating and seems to cause me more pain that it is worth.
385 free weights (about 8 months ago) then I switched strictly to smith machine squats on some poor advice, and last time I maxed, about 2 months ago, it was a little over 450. Now that I've switched back to free weights, I'm lucky to max 350, but I'm going up every week. 5'11" 197 pounds, 10-12% BF
600lbs set of 10, i weigh 260 lbs and that was done after doing 3 sets of squats before hand.

banged the knee up so squatting heavy is out of the question right now
house1 said:
600lbs set of 10, i weigh 260 lbs and that was done after doing 3 sets of squats before hand.

banged the knee up so squatting heavy is out of the question right now
House, you ever think of training for a powerlifting meet. Your lifts are pretty damn big.

405 x 5 box squats (raw, no wraps, anything)
495 x 1 freebar squat (wraps and belt)

Im still very young, under 20 years old. I hope to continue to progress in my squat in the future, my technique is always improving.
grafix-gnc said:
405 x 5 box squats (raw, no wraps, anything)
495 x 1 freebar squat (wraps and belt)

Im still very young, under 20 years old. I hope to continue to progress in my squat in the future, my technique is always improving.

Yeah, I could be there if I hadn't f*cked up and started doing smith machine squats. *Cries Uncontrollably* :40oz: :40oz: :40oz: :doh:
Congratulations to all of You guys, all of You can lift some serios weight. I'm currently lifting 315 lbs, free-weight for 10 reps without belt or knee straps. I use a shoulder wide stand. I'm 215 lbs and my BF% should be in the teens.
495 max @ 240lbs / 5ft 10 , no wraps etc. stance is niether to wide , nor is it narrow . i use low bar techniqe also . my next goal is 495 x 4 .
Befoe I would always squat wider than shoulder, becuase I thought it was safer, but once I started squatting shoulder width, I found I had a better range of motion, and I involved my erector spinae LESS. But that may just be me and my body frame.

I am 5'11 with "shorter" legs.