pulled/torn Hamstring: HELP!


New member
so today I was deadlifting. I felt real good. Planned on doing 500 x 5 (could of done 8), but on the fifth rep about half way up; POP! I felt the pop and could hear it too. I dropped the weight and tumbled to the floor. My mid-hamsting popped and I don't know whether it's a minor tear or a bad pull, muscular or tendon.

I think it's a result from my previous squat workout which consisted of a lot of glute-ham raises. My hamstrings were tight today, but they felt strong. I think I applied to much force as I was lifting...Idk, maybe i should of stretched prior to lifting. I have dealt with partially torn quads, but never a hamstring injury. Does anyone have any advice on how to optimally treat this?

If it helps. I have pulled 500x5 before but not nearly this easy, and my previous max was 575. This is my second cycle. I am almost four weeks in, and I am taking 500mg test prop a week.

So far no blood in the hurt area. This is a good sign. I can do a bodyweight squat with only a little bit of tightness in the area, although I don't think i'll be pulling heavy for a while :(.

Has anyone suffered these types of injuries before? All help is appreciated because I want to get back into the game ASAP. I currently am icing it, have a knee wrap around it for compression, and took some ibuprofen. Thanks fellas.
I have coached someone with a torn hamstring. Never had one myself.

The absolute first thing you need to do is see a physician. You cannot be too careful.
An MRI will show exactly what happened. Then take that to your PCP and he should refer you to a surgeon for consoltation. Dont delay. Good luck.