Posting my pics for fun :-) Let me know what you think.

Musculo Fuerte

Culturismo Es Mi Vida
Hey everyone! I just wanted to post some of my progress pics to get a little feedback. The quad shots are actually from several months ago, so they're not quite up to date. Other than that, the other pics are fairly recent. Just some background info on myself: I am 18 years of age, 5'4" at about 143 lbs and 13-14% bf. I've been lifting consistently for a little under two years, but love it so much that I know I will stick to it for as long as I can. Hopefully, I will be in competing mode in the future like many of you inspiring board members :)





you look tone and in pretty good shape..but i have to be honest with ya..i had to look over at your avatar to figure out your gender...
Thank you :) Well, honestly down the road I do want to compete in womens' bodybuilding (not really figure as you can tell ;-). In terms of cutting/bulking, I've been cutting for a little bit for the past couple of months just to keep lean, and will probably do a little more bulking once I am settled into college. I do it in small phases just so I don't gain too much fat or lose too much muscle. Hey, it's worked for me so far!
Damn, i was wondering when i saw that back, lol! I can see you are a woman tho. Damn lot of work into that back i can see. Tiny waist as well, may i ask the measurement of your waist?
HEY Q!!!

I am completely impressed! The fact you even posted pics.....awesome. You're looking great and have much room for potential! Great back pics.....I love a good back pic quite honestly! Doc J and SCNTO have my fave avatars!

You are so lucky to be starting this lifestyle at such a young age! At 18 I don't think I had even heard of bodybuilding!

I definately see some good shape in your quads. I even see a few cuts in the arms! You are thicker than me but I think we have similar structure! are still growing so you will increase in size the next few years with proper training and diet! I look forward to following your future posts and progress......we will suffer and learn together!
I appreciate your comments. Here's a chest shot as well as a double bi. The chest is fairly recent and the double bi is from several months ago.

