Powder winstrol


New member
My friend was talking about getting powdered winstrol and we were talking about what is the best stuff too mix it with, he says you cant mix it with water because you cant get it sterle enoufgh, he is talking about mixing it with bacardi 151? this doeset make much sense too me can someone fill me in
This guy wants to inject rum + Winstrol (winny) into his body. Gimme' a break LMFAO!!!!
Even if it were their intention to take it oraly,you shouldn't take it with alcohol , because with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) your liver is stressed/enlarged enough. And if this powder is as toxic as the tabs.....I'd say use water unless you plan on having a liver transplant in the near future.
Justusgreen said:
Even if it were their intention to take it oraly,you shouldn't take it with alcohol , because with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) your liver is stressed/enlarged enough. And if this powder is as toxic as the tabs.....I'd say use water unless you plan on having a liver transplant in the near future.

If you use water it will grow bacteria........not good. Most people just use everclear.
Justusgreen said:
Even if it were their intention to take it oraly,you shouldn't take it with alcohol , because with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) your liver is stressed/enlarged enough. And if this powder is as toxic as the tabs.....I'd say use water unless you plan on having a liver transplant in the near future.

The amount of alcohol contained in a ml of everclear is so small it won't make a difference. There are 30ml in a shot of everclear so 1/30 of a shot will not have much of an impact on your liver.
yea he mentioned everclear but it is hard too get your hands on that so he figured bacardi 151 is the next best thing.
GOON said:
yea he mentioned everclear but it is hard too get your hands on that so he figured bacardi 151 is the next best thing.

not realy, find a friend in the military. everclear is not sold in MA anywhere except on base, where its dirt cheap.