PowerBuilder's Workout Log

Tues, Nov 15, 2005


Military Press 185x4, 185x3+135x5 (drop set)
Rear Lateral Raise 25x10, 25x9, 25x6
DB Bench 80x9
Dips bwx7
Tricep Pushdowns 95x7
warmup 135x5,185x5
working,with new knee wraps 225x8,275x2

look at the videos of these down on the next post here
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the first set was the only one you broke parallel on, they were nice and deep. my suggestion is cutting back on the weight and keep all your squats, for now, as deep as the first set. they looked good. add 5 or 10 lbs every week or two and keep them just like the first set.

without even seeing your dead lift clips i can already tell you gonna be puling all back and not using your legs much. you, like many lifters, have a stronger back side than leg strength. its an easy fix but now is the timw to do it. dont continue on and compound the problem.

once again the first set was very good.
Thanks for the advice. Its a shame that I'll be squatting a lot less than I bench, not to mention deadlift, but I will do that. I will start with 135 lbs. Do you have any reccomendation for rep range, sets, how often, and how hard (all to failure)?
PowerBuilder said:
Thanks for the advice. Its a shame that I'll be squatting a lot less than I bench, not to mention deadlift, but I will do that. I will start with 135 lbs. Do you have any reccomendation for rep range, sets, how often, and how hard (all to failure)?

for startes a couple of sets of 5 reps. add 5 -10# weekly til you plateau out. then we can change ya around to continue progress. after squats 1 set of 20 on leg press is a nice finisher before postreior core and ab work.
Wed Nov 30th, 2005


Military Press 185x2, 135x8, 135x4
Lat Raise Machine 50x20
Dumbbell Bench Press 90x4
Dips bw x10
Squats 135x5, 155x5
PowerBuilder said:
Wed Nov 30th, 2005


Military Press 185x2, 135x8, 135x4
Lat Raise Machine 50x20
Dumbbell Bench Press 90x4
Dips bw x10
Squats 135x5, 155x5

hittin a lil' of everything today???
I bought some 45 lb dumbells and some elastic bands so I can do a little working out at home.
Fri, Dec 2, 2005

Alternating Dumbell Curls 45x10, 45+yellowband x10, 45x10

I don't feel Im overtraining so far doing something like this every other day. Im thinking about doing dumbell curls like this every other day in addition to my 2 major once a week workouts:



I'd just like to experiment a little with something different. Maybe I can build up some decent size bis while I work on my strength for my major lifts.
I also just started a serious diet that I plan to follow for several months. I hope to loose about 2 lbs a week and a totoal of 40-45 lbs.
Sun 12/4/05

Squats, with kneewraps and belt, rock bottom. With my wraps my knees dont bother me. Now, at least 225 is a good weight for me with wraps and a belt.

165x5, 195x5, 225x5

Leg Press
6plates x 10

Seated Calve Raise
180x5+135x10+90x10 (drop set)
Tues 12/6/05
Military Press 185x3+135x5 here I think I slightly injured my right shoulder! :(
Side Lateral Raises 20x15, 20x12
Machine Flies stackx10, stackx8
DB Curls 45x10, 45x10

Thurs 12/8/05
Squats 225x5, 225x5
Leg Press 4 plates x 20

Fri 12/9/05
Skull Crushers 90x5, 80x5, 60x10
Pullups bwx5
DB Curls 45x10, 45x10, 45x10

Sun 12/11/05
DB Curls 50x5
Wed 12/14/05

Incline Barbell Bench Press 185x5, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5
Pec Dec 2x8
Dips 8

Alternating Seated Dumbell Curl 50x5, 50x5
Thurs 12/15/05
Elliptical Glider 40 minutes

Fri 12/16/05
Pullups bwx3, bwx3, bwx3, bwx3, bwx3
Lat Pullover Machine 2x10
Cable Row 2x10

Elliptical Glider 20 minutes