Powerchews Products


New member
Just curious what products you guys woold like to see Powerchews come out with next. I have been using the BCAA chews for almost a year and have been cycling on and off the Powerchews creatine chews and preworkouts. I really enjoy their product line. They are very convienant to use, no need for mixing any powders and no need for a drink to swallow down some caps etc. I can keep them stashed all over the place and chew them down when I need them. They taste awesome, pretty much like candy, and best of all, the products work. The creatine provided me with some good strength, and the preworkouts give me good energy and pumps. I am getting ready to use the D-Test.

On a side note, I am hoping the company comes out with some additional products like a vitamin chew with added coQ10 and fish oils, along with a support chew, with added Red Yeast Rice in it. Finally, an HGH/IGF chew would be awesome.

What products would you guys be interested in seeing Powerchews make..SJ
Nighttime formula like ZMA-5HTP with some test boosting ingredients, funny I just chomped down some BCAA chews after my workout this morning, still waiting until NTBM has Gear back in stock :(
Yah i am with you on this. Need some gear myself..i am cleaned out. Usually when i am trying to heal an injury, i load up on powerchews bcaa, n2bm gear, and supercissus..sj
I think a BCAA/Glutamine combo would be great. I love the bcaa and glutamine ones for extra amino acids throughout the day. They taste great. Combining both into one would be sweet, maybe with some taurine or something in it too.
I think a BCAA/Glutamine combo would be great. I love the bcaa and glutamine ones for extra amino acids throughout the day. They taste great. Combining both into one would be sweet, maybe with some taurine or something in it too.

This could def be a nice mix..Lets keep this going. Anyone else have any other ideas. I was think a new test chew, ie, Fadogia and phytoserms in a chew..Sj
They should make something for fat burning, like a fat burner chew! Maybe a non-stim fat burner? Joint support chew? MASS GAINER CHEWS!
I have been using the DTest chews now. Man, I thought the creatine chews tasted good, these are awesome. Libido is raging as well. Def awesome test booster right here..SJ
They are innovative products that just taste great! This company is going places...

I agree man, that is why i would love to see some additions to their supplement line. The list could go and on. Jjst a multi vitamin chee alone i think would kick butt. But take it a step further like i previously said with an hgh. Oosting supp and a post cycle therapy (pct) support chew etc etc. Damn even some superchews..ie 5mg superdrol..on and on and on..sj