Primobolan vs Trenbolone!


New member
With Euro Pharmacies coming out with Primobolan Acetate 50. I wanted to ask...

What do you guys prefer Primobolan or Trenbolone, and why? Lets leave price out of the question. It is said Primobolan is just as strong as trenbolone but has less sides. What do you think.
Primo along with EQ is one of the weakest possible injectables even at very high doses. Tren the strongest. Primo is safest, tren most side ridden. I run Tren, while I have run pharma primo at high doses (twice)I will not run it again unless i somehow got it for free!
Tren is stronger...

HOWEVER - I've heard the two stacked... work very nice together. :D

I see it's on the site now, and will run it with tren on an upcoming cycle. :dance2:
Tren is one of the best stacks one can take while being on cycle. It's great for bulking, and for leaning out. However, the side effects with tren are by no means mild. Having said that, some ppl handle the side effects well. Primobolan on the other hand is very mild in terms of side effects, but also the gains are minimal. However, many women swear by Primobolan. hard to compare these 2 products, it depends on the individual and what they are looking for.
With Euro Pharmacies coming out with Primobolan Acetate 50. I wanted to ask...

What do you guys prefer Primobolan or Trenbolone, and why? Lets leave price out of the question. It is said Primobolan is just as strong as trenbolone but has less sides. What do you think.

two totally different animals brother.
With Euro Pharmacies coming out with Primobolan Acetate 50. I wanted to ask...

What do you guys prefer Primobolan or Trenbolone, and why? Lets leave price out of the question. It is said Primobolan is just as strong as trenbolone but has less sides. What do you think.

Who has ever said that? They are absolutely different. For instance, you have to run a crap load of primo for it to even do anything. Not the case with tren. The only time I will ever run primo is if its legit, and its free.
This is not a personal experience from EP products. I've read Primobolan at high doses is comparable to Masteron with less side effects. All of the steroids are similar what seems to set them apart if side effects and a little weight gain. Masteron isn't much for weight gain, but you can gain weight with it if you know what to eat and how to train. Thats the case with most of the steroids. I've read of people really liking Primobolan for fast loss and anabolic effects. Thats my mistake writing they are just as strong. I write many threads daily. I am sorry for the confusion.
This is not a personal experience from EP products. I've read Primobolan at high doses is comparable to Masteron with less side effects. All of the steroids are similar what seems to set them apart if side effects and a little weight gain. Masteron isn't much for weight gain, but you can gain weight with it if you know what to eat and how to train. Thats the case with most of the steroids. I've read of people really liking Primobolan for fast loss and anabolic effects. Thats my mistake writing they are just as strong. I write many threads daily. I am sorry for the confusion.

All good brother!! :beertoast
Tren is stronger...

HOWEVER - I've heard the two stacked... work very nice together. :D

I see it's on the site now, and will run it with tren on an upcoming cycle. :dance2:

I don't know of anything tren doesn't go great with brother.....haha
Tren IMO is the greatest compound ever. Whether your goal is to lean, bulk or recomp. However, the sides are one of the every good there's a bad..yin yang.

Primo does not compare.
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I'll be giving the primo a try in one of my upcoming cycles. Maybe the one after next.

man you'll love primo, it's great stuff as long as it's real, just the price is way out of whack. it has to be run at high dosages, but I love the shit.
Who said this?? Was it the same person that said:
"Elevator smell different to short people".

..No wait, I think that was Confucius..nevermind.
It was the guy that was in the elevator with an attractive woman and said, "can I smell your pussy?"
" certainly not!!"
"My mistake ,that stench must be your feet then"