

New member
Ok comin up on 3rd week.I bump up to 500 this week:D .Definite increase in strength towards the end of this week.Put up 3 bills on the bench with not too much of a problem.May not be much for u guys but for me thats huge!!!!:p :eek: ...Oh and up 11lbs since the start of the cycle.Havent put on a tremendous amount of size but definitly lost some fat and my arms are rock solid.Feelin good.......
Don't pyramid Bro stay at 500 the whole way through. Pyramiding is old school, the ester will do that for you. You get a slow build up and peak around week 5-6. Then when you stop the ester will typer out, then start post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after last injection.

Yeah i thought about that johnny.But I get conflicting opinions.Some say its not good to just drop it like that,others say its fine.In any event I picked up some more Sustanon (sust) and will will probably stay at 500 for the rest.Do you see any problem with that?Remeber I started at 250 for two weeks going up to 5 this week.Its amazing how many sources amongst my group of friends has popped up in the last two weeks...Its become quite easy to obtain.This is a good thing.
JohnnyB said:
Don't pyramid Bro stay at 500 the whole way through. Pyramiding is old school, the ester will do that for you. You get a slow build up and peak around week 5-6. Then when you stop the ester will typer out, then start post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after last injection.


Yep...and is it a 10 weker, or a seven...i would run it 10 weeks at 500mg myself....are you running any anti e's or anything with this, or sus those amount, i would not be to worried, but i like to run proviron through all my cycles...

sust alone.But I will have some anti e shortly just incase.I just picked up more Sustanon (sust) but I think im gonna quit at 8.This is my first cycle so I dont wanna go overboard.I seem to be doing pretty well so far so i think 8 weeks should be just what I want.I have extra on hand if I decide to go longer.
LMAO your probably right fatchops.I feel great!!! But I also dont want it to be soooooo obvious.Well see.I have the gear if I decide so....