Prop/Winny cycle for women??


New member
Hey guys,

I'm a first time user with this. My Gf's in the gym did a enan cycle however they were given bad advice and received some sides (hair and very very deep voices/hair resided). They were doing an overly excessive amount, I believe they started at 75 mg then worked their way up to 300mg a week by week seven then stopped because of the sides. With as much as they were doing I'm surprised how unnoticeable the sides were besides the voice.

I'm joining in on the next cycle;however, this time it's going to be with prop/winn.

I need as much information as possible;I have been doing tons of research and can't find anything for women on this particular cycle?
Can anyone tell me what a good 12 week prop cycle would be with a Winstrol (winny) the last 6 weeks? Maybe M/W tes T/TH Winn?? but what about dosages???? On both??

HELLLPPPPPPP PLEASE!!! Much appreciated thanks :help:
Hey guys,

I'm a first time user with this. My Gf's in the gym did a enan cycle however they were given bad advice and received some sides (hair and very very deep voices/hair resided). They were doing an overly excessive amount, I believe they started at 75 mg then worked their way up to 300mg a week by week seven then stopped because of the sides. With as much as they were doing I'm surprised how unnoticeable the sides were besides the voice.

I'm joining in on the next cycle;however, this time it's going to be with prop/winn.

I need as much information as possible;I have been doing tons of research and can't find anything for women on this particular cycle?
Can anyone tell me what a good 12 week prop cycle would be with a Winstrol (winny) the last 6 weeks? Maybe M/W tes T/TH Winn?? but what about dosages???? On both??

HELLLPPPPPPP PLEASE!!! Much appreciated thanks :help:

the reason you cant find anything on it is unless you want a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend she shouldnt be using any test . unless shes a SERIOUS competitor anavar is plenty strong enough.

She's tried it and nothing, and she's not seriously my partner gf just friend but girl.
Her results on the test were well as on my other gfs

Where's supergirl when you need her?? I have always followed her posts and she seems really knowledgable on this stuff
Marilyn first off welcome to Ology!

2nd you didn;t get decent Anavar (var) if it did nothing for you. There is a lot of trash out there and the best people to point you toward legit Anavar (var) in the dosages you require are other women from the board.

Prop and Winstrol (winny) is not a wise cycle for you at all! consider Anavar (var) ,primo and or HGH. Not all at the same time unless you are advanced.
i have a friend(female) that used 100mg of test prop a week. She did 2 shots a week 50mg on monday and 50mg on thursday like you would do with long esters. She had great results...i would advise you drop the Winstrol (winny) thoy and run the test by it self
Thanks Zeek!

I didn't try it personally, however I have tried did well but I stopped because I read so much on the effects it can have on my body with the extra GH at 21 years old.

I am really really tired of putting so much effort and hours amonst hours in the gym and not getting huge like I want. Lets face it, I can't, not naturally at least. I don't want to be man huge but like Dana lynn bailey huge...I've got a good base, but I don't think it's going to get much further and where I want it.

My girls at the gym are rocking their bods! Keep their feminine side too, but it's not from eating right and busting ass in the's that little extra.....
i have a friend(female) that used 100mg of test prop a week. She did 2 shots a week 50mg on monday and 50mg on thursday like you would do with long esters. She had great results...i would advise you drop the Winstrol (winny) thoy and run the test by it self

Thanks Josh, I guess running both is a bad idea since I havent found anything on it huh? I think 100 mg is much to start with though....but I appreciate the help:)
I'm doing the rain dance in hopes one of our female members will come in and advise this lady with some sense!

Test prop at a males testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) replacement dosage is NOT a good idea, Just sayin
Most likely you will not have a female chime in about what you want to do...but I will tell you that if you want to look like Dana, you bet your ass diet and training are #1. I have done primo and Anavar (var), they will get you where you want unless you want a risk of bad sides, if you are ok with whatever might happen then go for it:)

Thanks Jenner.

I guess not many women are ballsy enough to try test huh? almost all the women in my gym are on it.....I just wish I was close enough to them to talk to them
well, I wouldn't say doing test makes a woman more ballsy...maybe a bit ignorant..but it's her choice

I wouldn't say ignorant either. Almost everyone knows of the sides that accompany test. Where I'm trying to get is a dose! that's all.
Well I'm the one to say i pinned this girl with prop on several occasions and she had good results. Believe me thou her diet is on point and so is her training... how can i say this... she looked more (harder,athleticy,and solid) after her cycle was done.
I guess everyones different cuz I'm reading in other forums that over 50 is too much and some 100 mg is just fine for them.....I suppose I'll be the experimental lab rat and try n figure it out.....:p
Most likely you will not have a female chime in about what you want to do...but I will tell you that if you want to look like Dana, you bet your ass diet and training are #1. I have done primo and var, they will get you where you want unless you want a risk of bad sides, if you are ok with whatever might happen then go for it:)

This is IMO i run 2 iu gh mon thru fri off sat and sun i paired it with a 6 week short cycle of Var at 10mg daily. Took a brief rest jumped on clen a 40-80-120 mcg and back down two weeks on two off i paired that with Winstrol (winny) tabs EVERYOTHER day at 10 mg for a short cycle. I got no sides other than mild acne on back. Test Prop is HARSH and not needed. I could jump on a stage in off season still flexing! Diet and training helps you get the max out that cycle. Other things I have tried T3 and nolva. Great results and I can assure you my shoulders are ridiculous as is my signature abs. My legs are cut quite right and I am super girly girly girl. I agree with these men trouble can only come with test prop if your a female. There is no magic dose or cycle your still going to have to eat right as a lifestyle and bump that iron to continously take your physique to the next level.
Where's supergirl when you need her?? I have always followed her posts and she seems really knowledgable on this stuff

Sorry girl... I was a mod here from 2003-2011 but barely post anymore.. I check in from time to time which is why I didn't see your post til now..

From your posts, I have gotten the impression that you want to bodybuild but still remain feminine.. with that in mind, obviously you are looking for greater gains than a "figure" type competitor would...

-->Keep in mind that at 21years old, you are still just a baby and have a lot of muscle maturity to come!!

If your training is on point, make sure your diet is.. Are you getting your body weight's worth of protein a day??

With that said, Test Prop is great! Fast acting so if you hate the sides, it is out of your system much faster than the other esters. But you will be pinning more frequently.. 25mg every 3rd day is a good way to start. Gauge your results and sides and you can always go up. START SMALL, START SMART!!
Winny, I am not a fan of, but alot of female competitors are.. dosages vary with tabs vs depot. 25mgs E3-4 day

Nandrolone phenylproponate (deca durabolin) is also a decent option.. fast acting as well with nice gains. Way less painful on the joints and skin. My next personal choice ;) especially since I have had a shoulder injury.

You can do some research online and check with the anabolic reference guides as well for help.

If you can possibly talk to some real life women users in your gym, that would be awesome!! Ask them questions!!

Whatever you decide on.. keep a journal and a very very close eye on your body and sides! Make sure all your variables are correct.. Training, Diet and Cycle!!

Best of luck to you Marilyn and I hope you accomplish all you want!!

OH and next time.. try posting in the women's forum!!

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