Protien powder vs whole foods

Because people are stupid....
the ONLY thing I will agree on is if all you drink is protein powder drinks then they will pass through you faster and you MIGHT not absorb as much. But if you are eating a damn 2-3 meal a day or have a handful of nuts with your protein drink then even this issue is not there.
I get 80% of my protein from drinks and have put on a good 40lb or so and lost about 15lb in fat over the last 5 years.
So it drives me CRAZY when I see people post stuff saying protein drinks should be avoided, or whole food is better. That’s not true!
They differ sure, but I would hardly call them better.

I don’t eat meat or fish so (get it from whole foods) is doable but I prefer powder for 60-80% of my daily protein.
Working well for me :-)

Awsome post dude... and I agree... food can contain chemicals as well... all those xenoestrogens and pesticides can leech into your meat and veggies as well. I acually was on a strict liquid diet before for 28 days containing 1 meal a week... about 5-6 whey protein shakes a day and never felt healthier to be honest lol.
My main source of protein is from whey, I only eat a little chicken. It doesn't really matter where it comes from because WHEY is the purest, HOWEVER, eatting solid protein sources like chicken breast will probably be more filling especially on a cut. But while bulking and when you feel like poop, whey for life. BTW I consume about 5-7 scoops of whey in a day. I've been doing this for 2 years, great results and it's not time consuming and way less cheaper than buying chicken breasts.
So how bout for someone like me who sits in a piece of equipment 10-12hrs a day? would a top shelf protein shake work well as a meal replacement when I'm really burning minimum calories? I think I'm still on topic if not I'm certainly not trying to hijack!
One guy said protein powder is harder on your wallet than whole food.
1848g of protein for $54.00 for 5lb Optimum Whey at There's about 80-100g of protein in a pound of fish/meat/chicken, let's split the difference at 90g/lb. 1848g/90g = 20.5lb of fish/meat/chicken to compare to 5lb of whey. Find your protein at the store for less than $2.63/lb and it's cheaper than whey. Chicken on sale or in bulk is the only thing I can cheaper.

3J mentioned the metabolic benefit of whole food.
I know the Thermic Effect of Feeding relates to the amount of macronutrients, not the source. I know whole food takes longer and requires more work to digest, but I've never heard of the energy required (calories) to be meaningful. I could be wrong.

Everything about the ribeye steak.
I'm an RN and specialize in cardiology. 0% of my steroid, food, or training knowledge came from school. I mention that for the Bachelors in biology guy. The heart attack after you eat thing along with your body working its hardest to digest food aren't wrong, just not accurate. The amount of blood in your body is constant, so if blood flow to your gut is increased after a meal, blood flow somewhere else has decreased. Exercising with a full gut causes your skeletal muscles to pull blood from your gut, do it enough and you get nauseous. Theories for the heart attack include high blood insulin and/or lipid levels after a meal affecting your arteries ability to relax (dilate).

Whole food is better than protein powder, digestion rates....etc
Juiced Porkchop is right in the real world. Some of you guys are posting results of studies that don't apply because of inherent limitations. If l want to compare chicken breast to whey based on their ability to raise blood amino acid levels (how high and how long), how should I do it? To eliminate variables I need the patient fasting for 8 hours and the chicken or whey will be the only thing eaten. Does that sound like your current diet? Why the fuck would you argue with juiced porkchop using those studies? Throw in eating every 3-5hours along with the other foods and it's all bullshit. Whey protein digests to quickly? Blend it with milk, oats, peanut butter, flax meal, chia seeds. There goes all your arguments about moving through me to quickly. "That's cheating, the debate is over food vs whey..." Maybe, but I assume this discussion is for us to apply to our diets, not a nutritional journal.

Food is healthier than whey.
A lot of the supplement company claims are bullshit, but I do see references and numbers showing whey's superiority. Bioavailability, easy to digest, highest BCAA content, no fat or carbs, immune system and cancer benefits.

Let's have an honest discussion and make some good points. Don't say retarded shit like "99% completely wrong" or "my argument is better than yours."
protein is necessary for the body growth and for the muscles, so take protein amount as given by the physician, do not take more protein because enough protein is dangerous for the body.