Protien powder vs whole foods

i eat 6 meals with chicken breast/day of 250g chicken breast/meal and 50-60g protein from whey.That's nearly 400g protein/day + the amount of protein i can get from carbs like brown rice,wholewheat pasta or potatoes and pennaut butter.Now im gonna do an dropping the whey completly(not even postworkout) and eat 8meals/day of 220g chicken breast/meal.That's like around 410g protein/day just from chicken.Il keep you guys updated!PLUS iv read that u can stimulate hgh if you wait a lil bit after workout to eat...
You need both. No way you can eat enough real food and get enough protein! Try eating 250 grams of protein from real food, you'll be eating 24/7. Get yourself a good whey isolate and try to get half your protein from real food, the other half from supps. Don't forget the BCAA's right after training and then the protein.

I gotta call BS. I'm on a 3J diet with 330 grams of protein a day. 65 grams comes from shakes, the rest from whole food. I could EASILY eat WAY more than 250 grams a day. Especially, since I'm already eating over 250. And I'm a lightweight(~170lbs).
I don't understand why people get so balled up about protein powder. Whey power is simply another form of food - a high protein form of food. Some people argue that there might be more (bad) stuff in there besides whey powder. Ever checked out what's in meat? All kinds of hormones, antibiotics, arsenic - nice stuff.

For those looking for increased amounts of protein in their diet, it doesn't get much cheaper than whey powder. Dollar for dollar, it's the cheapest form of protein you can buy - less expensive than chicken, steak, pork or fish.

It's just dogma and good old fashioned bro-science that says you should eat whole foods. As long as you are hitting your desired macros and getting enough vitamins and minerals from other foods, then you're good to go.
Glad you found something that works for you lol but this is def your opinion. I don't think I could find a single knowledgeable nutritionist that would advise this. I use it as a supplement in my diet...not a substitute.

I'm with Juiced Porkchop on this one. People who are unable to eat solid food after surgical procedures manage to thrive using protein powders and MRP.
You need both. No way you can eat enough real food and get enough protein! Try eating 250 grams of protein from real food, you'll be eating 24/7. Get yourself a good whey isolate and try to get half your protein from real food, the other half from supps. Don't forget the BCAA's right after training and then the protein.

The most important part of bodybuilding is eating. I get 200-300 grams of protein daily from whole food (depending if I'm bulking or cutting). Then 50 grams from my PWO shake.

You absolutely should not get half of your protein calories from supplements. Your are ruining your wallet, your metabolism, and wasting your time. (I understand everyone has different situations and circumstances).

Whey protein is meant for fast absorption. IMO whey protein should be consumed once a day, post workout only.
Solid protein is harder to digest which is good....except post workout where whey would be a prudent choice so it absorbs quickly.

But here's some food for thought. If you ate an 8 oz rib eye 45 minutes before you worked out and your workout was an hour...why in God's name would you need protein 15 minutes after said workout. Your body is still slowly digesting the rib eye.

It seems to me that the supplement industry and some bodybuilders are perpetuating flat out myths. Carry on.

Ummmm, like because you would not have the Amino acid spike in your blood post workout that you would want for growth....
you so off base buddy.
I've read five hours. You've read 18 hours. Let's assume you're right.

Most of us are eating at least 4 small meals a day, sometimes 7 or 8 meals. If we derived all of our protein from whole protein (meat) it would not be vital to consume protein immediately after a workout. Chances are you have multiple "feedings" sitting in your digestive system 24 hours a day......using your claim of 18 hour digestion.

so what.
I want quick spikes at times for growth and others for slow amino acid absorption with food.
I have even seen studys that show SPIKES in AMINO ACID leves IN BLOOD lead to MORE GROWTH.
Glad you found something that works for you lol but this is def your opinion. I don't think I could find a single knowledgeable nutritionist that would advise this. I use it as a supplement in my diet...not a substitute.

Dude you are so off base. I never said 80% of my diet is powder... I said 80% of my PROTEIN is from that.
ANY "knowledgeable nutritionist " would see the powder as a SMALL part of my diet. only the protein part of which they may tell me my protein intake is a bit high but I eat right.......... I Should know, trust me...
so you are wrong...

also I think your issue is THAT you look at protein powder as a supp not food.
it IS food, a condensed Amino acid powder.
nothing wrong with it other than it will absorb fast if not take with food due to being such a good PURE source of amino acids

So what if i press it into the shape of a steak it's ok? HAHAHA
common man...
Lmao maybe if you could read...
Why waste my breath??...guess I will.

Glad you found something that works for you lol but this is def your opinion. I don't think I could find a single knowledgeable nutritionist that would advise this. I use it as a supplement in my diet...not a substitute.

I never said that 80% of your diet comes from POWDER lmao. I'm not sure where you came up with that. I re-stated (not directly) exactly what you said about 80% of your protein coming from POWDER, because protein was the discussion...overall caloric intake was not the discussion and I did not comment on that. I use protein supplements to SUPPLEMENT my whole food protein (macro nutrient) intake. Like I said, I'm glad you found something that works for you but, this is horrible's also hilarious and retarded.

You probably still think I'm wrong but, lets be hypothetical here just to humor everyone. Lets assume you eat 300grams of protein daily (like I said completely hypothetical). Lets also assume you eat 2 chicken breasts throughout the day. If I remember right a 6oz chicken breast is roughly 33g of protein. 12oz of chicken breast would be 66g of protein, which is approx 22% of your macro protein intake.

That's even more whole food protein intake than you claim you get daily!! Assuming you get the rest of your protein from POWDER (lol)...Lets say a scoop of whey is 25g. To reach your hypothetical protein macro intake of 300g, you would have to consume 9 scoops (more like 9 scoops and a little more) of protein powder, and eat 12oz of chicken breast.

Almost 10 scoops of protein daily, is absolutely ridiculous.

Protein powder cannot be a small part of your diet if you claim you use it to reach 80% of your macro protein intake lol.

Maybe you just don't understand percentages and ratios.

I don't care what type of powder you are ingesting...whey or casein. They both have their place in the nutrition world but, you are 99% completely wrong.

You obviously know nothing about nutrition, or the synergistic benefits of macro/micro nutrients have when consuming whole foods. Absorption, etc...the list goes on.

I didn't try to start an argument here but you did mr. protein expert. Don't tell me I'm way off base and give people shit advice when you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

I'm not even commenting on amino acids, I've wasted enough of my time typing something you won't understand.

I'm not a certified nutritionist but I understand it. If I don't understand something, I read, and I learn. I have a BS in human biology and a doctorate.

3J is the only real, certified nutritionist I know on this forum (I'm sure there are a ton others) He also gives fantastic advice from what I've read, and he's a site sponsor. Send him your daily diet and see what he has to say.

Go eat a porkchop and snort some protein powder.


juced_porkchop;308406hich4 said:
Dude you are so off base. I never said 80% of my diet is powder... I said 80% of my PROTEIN is from that.
ANY "knowledgeable nutritionist " would see the powder as a SMALL part of my diet. only the protein part of which they may tell me my protein intake is a bit high but I eat right.......... I Should know, trust me...
so you are wrong...

also I think your issue is THAT you look at protein powder as a supp not food.
it IS food, a condensed Amino acid powder.
nothing wrong with it other than it will absorb fast if not take with food due to being such a good PURE source of amino acids

So what if i press it into the shape of a steak it's ok? HAHAHA
common man...
I'm with Juiced Porkchop on this one. People who are unable to eat solid food after surgical procedures manage to thrive using protein powders and MRP.

This was a general discussion about protein powder vs. whole food protein.

I'm sure there are exceptions, but this general discussion shouldn't include people that have had surgical procedures, absorption problems, conditions/diseases, etc.

If this involves you, I'm sorry to hear that.

Juiced Porkchop was completely wrong in a strictly nutrition aspect.
one shake a day guys.. post workout.. that's it..

dont waste your time with anything else.. sure you could pound down 5 shake a day.. but your taking something away from yourself.. a quicker metabolism.. certain key macro and micro nutrients..

Wow I somehow overlooked this post...

I bet he's wrong
i eat 6 meals with chicken breast/day of 250g chicken breast/meal and 50-60g protein from whey.That's nearly 400g protein/day + the amount of protein i can get from carbs like brown rice,wholewheat pasta or potatoes and pennaut butter.Now im gonna do an dropping the whey completly(not even postworkout) and eat 8meals/day of 220g chicken breast/meal.That's like around 410g protein/day just from chicken.Il keep you guys updated!PLUS iv read that u can stimulate hgh if you wait a lil bit after workout to eat...

How can u do that w/o throwing up?
How can u do that w/o throwing up?

Wouldn't be my choice of foods either, I try to stay creative. Variety is essential.

But at least this dude seems like he has his diet in check, and he actually knows what he is eating. He's not puking and shitting his pants from 10 daily scoops of protein powder lol
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This was a general discussion about protein powder vs. whole food protein.

I'm sure there are exceptions, but this general discussion shouldn't include people that have had surgical procedures, absorption problems, conditions/diseases, etc.

If this involves you, I'm sorry to hear that.

Juiced Porkchop was completely wrong in a strictly nutrition aspect.

Doesn't pertain to me personally, but I don't see how it does not pertain to this discussion. Someone who is unable to eat solid food after a medical procedure doesn't suddenly function differently than every other human being on the planet. Frequently the reason is not absorption issues but rather an inability to chew or swallow solid foods. Protein powders work just fine for meeting their needs with no adverse effects.

I'm not buying into this argument that your body somehow knows the difference between amino acids from whole food and amino acids from powdered protein sources. Unless someone can show a real medical study that shows a real difference in the body, I will remain dubious. If anything it seems like getting the bulk of your protein from more easily digestible sources might be advantageous for those looking to consume elevated amounts of protein for bodybuilding purposes.

Although I respect nutritionists I can find you a certified nutritionist to match any eating theory you can come up with. Some say eat lots of small meals (which I follow), same say low fat/high carb, some say high protein/low carb, some say high protein will kill you dead, some say animal products should not be consumed, etc, etc, etc. and each can manage to come up with science (and sometime pseduo-science) to back up their claim. My point is there is no nutritional consensus which shows me nutrition at this stage is still a very inexact science.

Since you have not personally done medically supervised studies or been able to show any proof I really don't think you are in a position to say Juiced Porkchop was wrong. It may be your opinion, but that is all it is.
I'm ignoring the 'exception' discussion. As far as the original discussion you're correct, it is my educated opinion. I guarantee I can find peer reviewed articles supporting that I'm more correct but, I don't have time for that. Back to the original discussion, juiced can do whatever the fuck he wants to but, he shouldn't be giving that type of advice to people. My opinion is much better advice, whether you believe it to be true or not.

Post in a new thread in the forum that says 'I get 80% of my protein macro nutrients from powder' and see how much that statement gets flamed.

Agree to disagree.
Does anyone drink liquid egg whites? I think I might replace my protein shakes with drinking egg whites. I hope it doesn't taste as bad as I think it does.
. . . and you didn't throw up in the workout? You're not pushing hard enough.

first off your body is working at its hardest during digestion. eating anything other than a very light carb 45 minutes before working out could easily give you a heart attack. many people, not necessarily gym people who die from cardiac issues do so after eating a decent sized meal. uncle Joe takes a heart attack sitting in a chair on the deck after supper, common occurrence. I know this was not the meaning of the starting thread, but thought it important to point out to anyone who didn't know that.
my wife, and I'm sure many others like to go for a brisk walk shortly after supper and I can't get it through her head that your body is being nearly fully taxed digesting food. that is fact. plus i don't want to
just my 2cnts.
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