Proviron question


New member
Can proviron be taken after post cycle therapy (pct) or is it strictly for while on a cycle or during post cycle therapy (pct)?
people do both. i like to take it with nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) to get my levels down.
Proviron doesnt have any anabolic properties. Well, at least not enought for muscle preservation.

Proviron is thought to stop the conversion of test to estrogen, so if you are not taking any, you will not get any help.

GH, Winstrol (winny), and even low doses of test or eq will work to preserve muscle while dieting.
while i agree that proviron isn't an anabolic, its ability so increase the concentration of free test makes it somewhat of a secondary steroid in my opinion. We take test to increase test, if we can increase free test another way then it will have the same affect as increasing by directly dosing. I use it in conjucntion with all my cycles and I have to use a lot less gear with it.
It increases free test by occupying more SHBGs, but if we dont have an increase in test from an injection, the increase in free test will be very little. This is why it works well during a cycle with the addition of test.

I dont think it is strong enough to maintain LBM while dieting.