PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log


New member
PUSH'S PSL Bulk Cycle Log

I'm going to run a bulk cycle of all PSL gear.
Should be about 12 weeks.
Been running PSL Sust 250 for 3 weeks now.
Pinning 1cc EOD

Cycle will be:
250mg PSL Sust EOD
40 mg PSL Dbol Ed split dose for this week.
50 mg PSL Dbol Ed split dose for the following 4 weeks.
100mg PSL NPP EOD starting week 5 through 12
PSL Aromasin 10-20mg Ed
PSL Cialis 10mg eod or e3d

My stats:
Height 5'6"
Weight 182
Age Mid 40s
I'll get some pics up this week.

I'm trying to get my weight up over 190 lbs. and of course get bigger and stronger.
Daily calorie goal will be 4000+ with a breakdown something like this:
Protein 250g Carbs 500g Fats 110g

I workout 4-5 times a week. (usually 5)
Training split: Arms, Back, Legs, Chest & Shoulders
Workout days are dictated by work and life, but I still get it in.
I have some equipment at home. Free Weights, Adjustable bench, squat rack and Pullup/dip station.
So when I'm short on time and can't get to the gym I can still get in a good workout.

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hi bro...
your cycle look good :)
i have 1 question why Cialis? why not proviron?
IMO proviron give more harder look when dinabol and EQ in cycle..... :rockband: what do you say?
hi bro...
your cycle look good :)
i have 1 question why Cialis? why not proviron?
IMO proviron give more harder look when dinabol and EQ in cycle..... :rockband: what do you say?

Thanks Brother.
I take low dose cialis to help with BP, also it gives me awesome wood!


2nd day on dbol 40mg split doses

No workout today.
Calories 4200
Pro 225
Carbs 437
Fat 162

Watching Cavs and Warriors.

Arms tomorrow morning before work.

i did research on Cialis and later i consult with my coach(he is judge is bodybuilding competition..he have vast knowledge about drugs and peptides.. he said Cialis is better option who have hair-loss problem ... proviron give harder look but proviron is dht it increase hairloss... both give you good wood :destroy:
i did research on Cialis and later i consult with my coach(he is judge is bodybuilding competition..he have vast knowledge about drugs and peptides.. he said Cialis is better option who have hair-loss problem ... proviron give harder look but proviron is dht it increase hairloss... both give you good wood :destroy:

Healready answered you. He is taking cialis for blood pressure.
Push, why not npp from beginning to end?
How did you you come up with 4000 cals?
I'm close in age to you I'm 6 ft and about 200 lb and I calculate 3600 cals at the most and still find it a bit high. On my last bulk I had to drop to 3400.
Obviously you may be way more active than me but still it seems high for your size.
Just wondering
Push, why not npp from beginning to end?
How did you you come up with 4000 cals?
I'm close in age to you I'm 6 ft and about 200 lb and I calculate 3600 cals at the most and still find it a bit high. On my last bulk I had to drop to 3400.
Obviously you may be way more active than me but still it seems high for your size.
Just wondering

I decide to go with just dbol and sust to start for two reasons:
1) To see what kind of effect/difference I get just from adding dbol to my sust
2) I'm waiting for my anti progesterone to get here :ugh:
So when I add NPP in I will be able to judge exactly what results and sides are from the NPP.
I was on 3500 calories for the last several months with no increase in weight. And yes sir I'm very active.

Thanks Push

Arms today.
Calories 3750
Pro 243
Carbs 313
Fat 166

Dips BW 4x15
Machine dips 1x20, 3x12, rp 1x15/10/8
Cable overhead ext. 1x20, 1x15, 3x12, rp 1x15/12/10
Rope pushdowns 4x10, ds 1x8/7/6/8/14
Seated hammer curls 1x20, 3x12, 1x10
Standing cable curls 1x12, 3x8, rp 1x10/8/8
Machine 1 arm preacher 1x8, 3x10, rp 1x12/8/6/4
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Quick Leg Workout after work today.

Lying leg curls 3x15, 2x12
Leg extensions 2x20, 3x15
Seated calf raises rp 1x20/15/15, 1x12/10/10, 3x7/6/6, 1x12/10/10, 1x20/15/15
Leg press rp 1x25/12/10, 1x20/10/10, 1x20/10/10
Seated leg curl 1x20, 4x12

Calories today 3850
Pro 187
Carbs 412
Fat 148

I love the way the dbol has me feeling. Just an overall sense of well being. I feel good all day.

You are on gear. Have you considered taking advantage of the improved recovery time by hitting each muscle twice a week?

Are you being compensated in any form for this log?
OP: You need to be honest and state whether PSL have compensated you for running this log.

The reader needs to be aware of ALL the facts.
You are on gear. Have you considered taking advantage of the improved recovery time by hitting each muscle twice a week?

Are you being compensated in any form for this log?

I have considered hitting legs twice a week as they are definitely the weakest bodypart.

I am not being compensated for this log.
I was a rep for another source and had a falling out with the owner.
We parted ways and I needed a reliable source so I asked Mountain-Man and he highly recommended PSL.
Plus they had the 5 vial combo deal which helped me make my decision to try them.
After the first successful order, I decided to order the rest of my cycle from them also .

Today was Chest and Shoulders

Incline smith 2x15, 2x12, 3x10, rp 1x12/6
Flat DB press 4x12
HS iso incline 1x20, 1x15, 3x12
Machine shoulder press 1x18, 3x10
Face pulls 4x15
Seated side laterals 1x20,1x15,ds 1x15/10
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Back Day today.

Wide pull downs 1x15, 4x8
Cable low row 1x14, 5x8
HS iso high row 1x15, 1x12, 4x8-10
HS iso low row 4x12
HS seated/stand shrugs 1x12/15, 4x10/12

Weight is still 183
Calories 3650
Pro 202
Carbs 406
Fat 118

Today was end of week 1 on dbol. 40mg
I'm going to up dbol to 60mg ed for the next 4 weeks.

This week I am going to switch to lower reps and heavier weights.
Try to add some solid mass and increase strength.

I have considered hitting legs twice a week as they are definitely the weakest bodypart.

I am not being compensated for this log.
I was a rep for another source and had a falling out with the owner.
We parted ways and I needed a reliable source so I asked Mountain-Man and he highly recommended PSL.
Plus they had the 5 vial combo deal which helped me make my decision to try them.
After the first successful order, I decided to order the rest of my cycle from them also .

This is true push was my rep he did not like where he was i sent him to Psl because I use to rep
There and to save him cash and make sure he was getting quality gear I sent him for there 5 bottle

Leg Day
Lying leg curls 1x15, 3x12
Leg extensions 1x20, 3x12
Seated calf raises rp 2x15/12/10, 3x6/6/6
Hack squats 1x20, 1x15, 3x10
Leg Press 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 3x12
Donkey calf raise 3x24
Seated leg curls 1x15, 3x12
Leg Extensions 1x20, 3x15

Calories 3600
Pro 211
Carbs 391
Fat 113

Dbol 60 mg started today.
