PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

Arm Day....my favorite.

BW Dips 4x15
Pushdowns 1x20, 1x12, 1x10, 5x6, 1x10
Overhead cable extensions 1x20, 5x12, rp 1x20/10
Rope cable extensions 4x20-25
Low cable curl 1x20, 4x10
Seated hammer curls 3x12, 3x5
Rope cable hammer curls 1x15, 3x8, ds 1x10/10/10

Calories 4250
Pro 240
Carbs 398
Fat 181 !!!

Felt strong at the gym.
Got Chest and Shoulders tomorrow so no pressing movements tonight.
Left with a great pump.
Yesterday was Chest & Shoulders

HS incline press 1x25, 2x12, 5x6-8
Smith incline 1x20, 3x8-10, rp 1x12/5
Cable flyes 1x20, 3x15
Machine chest press 1x20, 4x8
DB shoulder press/side laterals 1x15/15, 1x10/12, 1x12/15, 1x10/15, 1x15/15, 1x13/13
Rear delt flyes 1x20, 1x18, 3xfailure
Face pulls 3x15

Calories 4100
Pro 258
Carbs 391
Fat 156

Leg Day Today!
Leg Day
Lying leg curls 1x15, 3x12
Seated calf raise rp 1x25/15/15, 1x15/12/8, 3x8/6/6, 1x12/10/8, 1x15/15/15
Hack squat 1x20, 2x12, 3x8
Leg press 1x25/8, 1x20/8, 1x15/8, 3x12/6
Donkey calf raise 3x25-30
Seated leg curls 3x12-15
Leg extensions 1x20, 5x12

Calories 3900
Pro 244
Carbs 376
Fat 142
No training today.
Tomorrow will be Back Day

Calories 4200
Pro 246
Carbs 401
Fat 168

Running 250 sust eod
Dbol 60 mg split dose
Aromasin ed split dose
BW pull-ups 4x12
Pull downs 1x12, 1x10, 5x5
Cable low row 1x12, 5x5
HS iso high row 1x12, 1x8, 5x5
HS Iso low row 5x12
DB shrugs 1x18, ds 1x15/12, 1x12/12, 1x12/14, 1x12
HS seated/standing shrug 4x10/10

A/C was not working at the gym today!
Bw dips 4x15
Overhead cable extensions 1x20, 1x15, 3x12
Rope pushdowns 1x10, 4x7
Dip machine 5x8-10, 1x25
1 arm preacher curls 1x15, 3x10
Seated hammer curls 1x15, 3x10, 2x15
Standing cable curls 1x12, 3x9
Cable rope hammer curls 1x10, 3x12

Calories 3850
Pro 205
Carbs 419
Fat 133
Happy Father's Day

Leg Day
Got in a quick leg workout today, minimal rest between sets.
It helped that there was only 5 people in the gym.

Lying leg curls 1x20, 3x15
Leg Extensions 4x15
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/15/15, 1x12/12/10, 3x8/7/6, 1x12/12/12
Hack squat 1x15, 4x10
Seated leg curl 1x20, 3x12
Leg Extensions 1x15, 3x12

Calories 4100
Pro 222
Carbs 420
Fat 148
Subbed,! Putting in some work! Keep it up pushtoday! Looking great.

And To everyone who is asking, insinuating, or commenting ...
No pushtoday is not being compensated for this log. My question is why would you think he is???
BW dips 4x15
Cable flyes 7x12
HS incline 3 sets + 3 drop sets
DB pullover w/ isolated press 2x5/25
Incline DB together press 2xfail
Machine shoulder press 4xfailure
Seated side laterals 1x20, 3x15
DB rear flyes 1x20, 3x15

Calories 3300
Pro 214
Carbs 330
Fat 110
Not enough food today but enough that I shouldn't go completely catabolic....
Long workdays yesterday and today.
No training...

Yesterdays Macros:
Calories 4100
Pro 191
Carbs 414
Fat 166

Calories 3850
Carbs 341
Fat 166

Back Day Tomorrow
1 hour Back Workout
No time to get to the gym so Hot Ass Garage it was.
BW Pull-ups 4x12
Bent Row 2x15, 4x8-10
DB high row 4x10
DB lean shrug 4x15-20
Upright row w/ bar shrug 4xfail/fail

Calories 4100
Pro 231
Carbs 427
Fat 144
Another Garage Workout
Opposing muscle supersets:

Kickbacks/Alt. DB curls 1x15/12, 3x12/10
Seated hammer curls/DB skullcrushers 3x10/12
Seated French press/DB preacher curls 1x20/20, 3x15/12

Calories 3900
Pro 204
Carbs 420
Fat 128