PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

Legs Done
Lying leg curls 1x20, 3x15
Seated calf raise rp 1x20/20/20, 3x12/10/8, 1x15/12/8
Hack squat 1x20, 1x10, 4x6
Leg press 1x25, 1x20, 3x20
Donkey calf raise 4x15-20
Seated leg curls 1x20, 3x12
Leg extensions 2x20, 2x15, 2x12, 2x10

Chest and Shoulders tomorrow.....then off to the beach for a couple days.
Chest and Shoulders today.

Pec Dec 1x15, 1x12, 3x10
Incline smith press 1x15, 1x12, 3x10, drop 1x12/12/10
HS wide chest 2x12, 2x10, 4x6-8, drop 1x15/20
Machine chest press double drop sets x 2
Rear flye machine 1x20, 3x12
Machine shoulder press 4x12
Seated side laterals 4x15, rp 1x10/10/10/10/10

Calories 4100
Pro 228
Carbs 481
Fat 121

Off to the beach for a few days...
Shet, beast mode for sure! Looking massive bro. You guys on here inspire me to go even harder and maybe start a log also!! Great job
Push i didnt realize you were such a beast! Dam , guns are out and ready to crack skulls

Thanks Mace....putting the work in, eating everything I can, and the PSL gear does its part.

Shet, beast mode for sure! Looking massive bro. You guys on here inspire me to go even harder and maybe start a log also!! Great job

Thanks brother....Glad you checked in! I would definitely encourage you to do log.

Spent three days at the beach and yesterday, today and tomorrow on the golf course.
Only issue is a nice case of sun rash has taken over my shoulders, and forearms near the bend in my arms.

Still packing the food in, just more fatty foods. (eating out a lot)
Yesterdays Macros:
Calories 4400
Pro 206
Carbs 433
Fat 205!


Last day of vacation today.
Back to work tomorrow and regular training schedule.
Calories were less today because I had a liquid lunch.

Calories 3350
Pro 180
Carbs 320
Fat 114


Back Day
Pull downs 1x12, 3x10
Low cable row 4x12
HS iso high row 4x12
HS iso low row 5x10
HS shrug seated/stand 1x20/14, 3x15/12, 1x20/12

Empty gym tonight.

Calories 3750
Pro 191
Carbs 358
Fat 153

View attachment 564762

Quick Leg Workout after work today.

Lying leg curls 3x15, 2x12
Leg extensions 2x20, 3x15
Seated calf raises rp 1x20/15/15, 1x12/10/10, 3x7/6/6, 1x12/10/10, 1x20/15/15
Leg press rp 1x25/12/10, 1x20/10/10, 1x20/10/10
Seated leg curl 1x20, 4x12

Calories today 3850
Pro 187
Carbs 412
Fat 148

I love the way the dbol has me feeling. Just an overall sense of well being. I feel good all day.

Where's the squats, maybe not absolutely crucial, but in IMHO very important
Another thing you may want to add is a straight legged calf raises. Seated (bent leg) works the soleus straight leg version more so the gastrocenemius
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