Quest For 20 Inch Arms And Aas!!!!!!


Jack of all Trades
Quest For 20 Inch Arms And AAS!!!!!!

How can one train to get big arms...presently pythons are a measly 16.5 inchs flexed?

4-5 sets at 6-10 reps BI'S/TRIS

Preacher Curls
EZ Curl Bar or Straight Bar [If Dumbell Curls then EZ Curl and If Hammer Dumbbell Curls then Straight Bar]
Hammer Curls or Dumbbell Curls

Close grip bench etc...

Can a cycle of any type of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) break that barrier...a while a back read that you can stretch the fascia tissue to new levels especially if one has reached a plateau through proper stretching and IMO Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use...IS THAT POSSIBLE?
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I'm not there but.............2/3 of your arm is Tricep. My work out on arm days is Tri/Bi's , it's my longest workout because I smoke the shit out of them !! I like to keep the blood concentrated to an area where it won't have to travel from say , back to bi's or vice versus. It's working for me. I don't know have a clue about the facia question...sorry bro.
Keep pumping !!
quit worrying about you arms, squat and pull deads and the whole body will follow. I dont work arms and have 19" guns relaxed.
Just keep lifting big to get big. I never worried about big arms and now they are pushing 19inches. So good things happen to those who wait.
I posted this on another thread so I will put it here incase you miss it

If you want to add two inches to your arms, you will need to add thirty (thats right 30) or more pounds to your whole body. You can not do this by focusing your attention on your arms. Get your body growing as a unit, concentrating largely on your leg and back workout. About two thirds of your body's total muscle mass is in your legs, glutes and back. The shoulders, chest, abs and arms, only make up about one third of your muscle mass. With that in mind you should spend no more than a third of your training on your shoulders, chest abs and arms and spend two thirds of your training on legs, back and glutes.
jonnie said:
I posted this on another thread so I will put it here incase you miss it

If you want to add two inches to your arms, you will need to add thirty (thats right 30) or more pounds to your whole body. You can not do this by focusing your attention on your arms. Get your body growing as a unit, concentrating largely on your leg and back workout. About two thirds of your body's total muscle mass is in your legs, glutes and back. The shoulders, chest, abs and arms, only make up about one third of your muscle mass. With that in mind you should spend no more than a third of your training on your shoulders, chest abs and arms and spend two thirds of your training on legs, back and glutes.

Never thought of arm size in terms of overall body size composition. I'll take that into consideration.:afro:
I am not going to bash synthol, even though i feel like it, but at your size you probably should stick with heavy lifting, and i have never seen synthol enhanced body parts look normal.
jcp2 said:
I am not going to bash synthol, even though i feel like it, but at your size you probably should stick with heavy lifting, and i have never seen synthol enhanced body parts look normal.

No i am not thinking about doing Synthol, but I thought I get some opinions b/c i have heard alot about it and also wanted to get more input into what other people have done for arm size. Regardless of size, I will never touch that.

I think I see this guy using Synthol [Valentino something], he looks really really fucked is plain stupid to enhance ones physique with an Synthol oil rather than hard work in the weight room IMO.
best way to build arms is simple, and heavy. Stay away from machines, and use free weight exercises, and as many compound ones as you can. There are the exercises that put the last 3" on my arms
standing barbell curls
incline dumbell curls
preacher curls

close grip bench
weighted dips
skull crushers
Ok, if you weigh 400lbs and have 20' arms, you have small arms. If you weigh 205lbs and have 20" arms, that means you have big arms.

Now that that is said, here is how I got my arms (203lbs, 19.4 inch arms).

Tris- french press, cable press downs, and dips.
Bis- bb curl, alternate db curls, and hammer curls.

Heavy and good form. My triceps grow like weeds, they over power my arms. They make my biceps look small in some poses.

If all my muscle groups grew like my triceps and quads, I would be ronnie coleman. LOL............................. Maybe not.....:D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
One thing to remember is that your tris are the bigger musle of the arm so most of your arm size comes from your tris. Take a look at your legs, where is most of the muscle in the quads right well your arms are made up of a similar muscle structure as your legs, your hamstrings are the same as your bi's and your quads consist of 3 seperate muscles just the same as your tri's. So if you are on a quest to get larger arms dont forget the tris because that's where most of the mass comes from not your bi's