Question for Husband PLEASE HELP


New member
WE are new to this completely...

Well the DR gave him a scripit for Steroids to give himself 1/2cc weekly for 3 months. His test levels for testorone is at 122? which the dr said it should be btwn 300-800, he is extermly tired never wants to do anything besides sleep and work and at work hes falling asleep the dr said we would notice a difference within 3 weeks well its been 5 weeks and nothing really except the fist 24 hrs after he feels a little good.

well someone whos does "cycles" told him he needed more that wasn't enough for being that low? They said something about Pentadex 350 about 1/2cc twice a week?

Anyone know anything about it Please help us out..
With most doctors, unfortunately, this can be a slow and tedious process. They prescribe an initial amount and then give it time to set in. He'll retest levels sounds like at the 3 month mark and see what his levels are at... Which optimally, you want blood drawn at the end of the week before the next injection... This is called the trough, when his medicated level will be at it's lowest.

It sounds like the script may be for test Cyp 200mg/ml. 100mg per week wasn't enough for me, either. But that is the starting point doctors seem to use. At minimum he should give it a month and then give the dr a call and tell him things still don't seem right. It's not at all uncommon for us to read stories on here of guys starting on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to go through 3 or 4 docs to find one that seems proactive enough and that actually listens to patient feedback, rather than using the textbook protocols. I ended up with a great urologist, rather than my normal GP.

This will take time though, to work out. Hang in there and let us know how things go!
Thanks for the reply. How much did it take for you to feel better? And about how long? Do you know anything about pentadex ?
I went on the 100mg/week for 6 weeks. It felt great for a couple weeks and then fell off. My 6 week trough came back at 260ish, so he bumped me up to 150/week. That was an almost instantaneous boost. My emotions were more stable, libido was like a teen again, and gym routine has improved as well. Acne did pop up at that dose though, but so far the only down side.

Pentadex as far as I know is a blend of different testosterones... Not something the doc would prescribe I'm sure.

Get through a month or so and call the doc. At the very least he should let you switch to .25 cc twice a week... Just explain that half way through the week, he's already feeling bad again. But there are other questions that need to be looked at, like whether he's experiencing an elevated estrogen level. That can definitely cause some of the symptoms he was feeling. Very clearly he has low T, but the doc should be checking for other potential issues like Estrogen and thyroid levels IMO. I'm not going to pretend to be a med professional!
Isn't that actually Sustanon?? His doctor should have explained to him how much and when to take. Doctors usually give test cypionate or test enanthate since they have a long half-life and are usually injected every 2 weeks 250mg or so. Ask the doctor or just find a new one if the one he goes to didn't already explained to him everything he needs to know. Your husband also must do his bloodwork every couple of months to make sure everything's OK once he goes on a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) program
As Ocdude said, it looks like he has been put on a typical starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol. It should kick in for him in about 3-4 weeks; but can sometimes take up to 8 weeks.

On weekly injections, guys typically are on a bit of a roller coaster. They feel good at first after the injection, but it wears off by the end of the week and they start to feel run down. Many guys prefer injecting more often. Every 3.5 days or every 5 days with the dose adjusted so that you take the same quantity in a week's span.

For your part, you need to get ready for your husband to feel like a 17 year old again. You will need to get ready for him to now have the energy to be interested in you sexually. The best thing you can do is embrace this. Go out and get some new sexy things to wear and make this a fun time for your husband. He is going to start feeling like he is alive again.

By the way, we generally don't say the doc gave him "steroids." He is replacing his natural testosterone to a normal level because he has hypogonadism. This is just giving him back what his body used to produce naturally.