Questions about EQ and Stacking

yes thank you so much this is exactly the kind of information i was looking for. And yes, i have aromasin and hCG
the test e/deca is a blend 300/200 and the eq is 600mg/ml so i was thinking
1-20 600mg ew test e
1-20 400mg ew deca
1-19 600mg ew eq and maybe front loading it
21-23 100mg eod test prop

this is my 3rd cycle last one was 14wks prop/npp/tbol and winny for the last 4 weeks
gains were pretty good on it. I tried the NPP because im currently battling with osteolysis of the acromioclavicular joint (weightlifters shoulder) and I thought it would help, which it did, but not quite as much as i imagined.
Im 23, 6'2", been lifting seriously for 5 years and had made it up 216 being completely natural and was benching 315 for 10 reps when I hurt myself, about a year after that i was pretty much hangin in the 200 area, and on this last cycle i made it up to 226 at my biggest but now ive stabilized at around 215, but its straight cuz im chillin at 6% body fat.

But this time around im tryna get BIG. I really didnt have too much appetite last go which was a little disappointing

Im also a certified personal trainer and work at a supplement store

Again, I'm just going by experience but I wouldn't worry about front loading the eq. if anything, start it earlier with the test as it takes longer to yield results, but you will notice the hunger and strength quicker with eq than the actual appearance related results. hope that made sense. :)