Questions regarding arimidex


Feel the pump!
Hey guys.. I searched for awhile but didnt really find a direct anwser regarding my question, so i thought id post! :afro:

info: I have carried extra fat on me pretty much all of my teenage years and whatnot. I am 5'11, 23yrs, 224lbs. probally about 18-21% bf.. just a guess. I have recently cut down from 242lbs to 224lbs over a months time. And it seems the only place i have not lost anything would be between my chest (nipple area) to my armpits. still a high amount of fat content there. waist have shrunk, belly, etc.. but not that area. I have a feeling this may be estrogenic fat.
I am cutting down to about 210 or 200.. where ever i feel i look good enough. then planned on starting a cycle possibly, it all depends on what I end of looking like after cutting as i already carry a fair bit of muscle & strength now. I am also supplementing with creatine mono.

Question: If i took a daily dose of arimidex ( liquidex) of .25 would that maybe have any effect on the fat in that area?.. And any other good workouts to isolate that area with high reps? i was thinking widegrip pull downs and decline ches flys with a small ROM at the top? Any help is appriciated.

Also, if you do know about the arimidex anwser, could you please explain why or why not? I'm looking to get alittle edumacation in ;)
brother i dont know anything about arimidex,but i know i took aromasin for 2 weeks to get my high estrogen down,and i lost 9 lbs of water retention and all of the swelling inmy face went down,i love aromasin,and will continue to use it
It's not really used to reduce fat. It will only eliminate estro which can cause some bloating and water retention. I don't think it's going to do anything for fatty problem areas.