Rad140 (first ever log) sarmsearch

I'm on trt my friend, in all honesty I can't tell you if it has a hard shut down. Some of the clinical trials were for seeing if it worked as trt and it showed better results then any other sarms. But that doesnt necessarily mean that it has a hard shutdown, S4 works very well and it's shut down its bad at all. Someone not on trt will have to run it and pull bloods to get a definitive answer.

Thanks for the info Bro! Much appreciated!
Why wait bro? They have a great sale grab it now. SarmsSearch has other logs, check them out. SarmsSearch S4 is fckn fire! Rip you out like nothing eles.

Im looking into them, i dont know much about them
So id like to get my info down before i order. The links u posted up there have some info on them right?
Im looking into them, i dont know much about them
So id like to get my info down before i order. The links u posted up there have some info on them right?

The links I posted above are for Rad140 info. Here is a link to my S4 log. I ran it 6 weeks I have a before and after pic 5 weeks in at the bottom of the page.. You should check it out. And I'll grab some info on other sarms and post a link.

Awesome log going here. Like they said, history in the making. Only more to come, too! More in store as far as new products go...stay tuned!!

Keep up the great work on this log! Definitely following!
These new products are in LIMITED SUPPLY! If you want to be one of the first people to try this, now's your chance! Don't wait too long!
PSizzle, do you have any feed back on Rad140?

It's brand new! Bone here is the first to log it. I am however keeping in touch with a few others that are trying it as well, and so far they are absolutely loving it!

I'll be posting more on our new products soon so keep an eye out!
It's brand new! Bone here is the first to log it. I am however keeping in touch with a few others that are trying it as well, and so far they are absolutely loving it!

I'll be posting more on our new products soon so keep an eye out!

Awesome!! Thanks, I will be putting an order together soon! Thanks again!
Sarmsearch at it again!! I logged your S-4 last year and freaking loved it! Excited to see y'all bringing new products out! Great log BTW. Lol
Sarmsearch at it again!! I logged your S-4 last year and freaking loved it! Excited to see y'all bringing new products out! Great log BTW. Lol

Yes indeed!! SarmsSearch's S4 is my favorite hands down. I can't wait to try the new additions! My SR9009 should be in any day now- can't wait to try it!!
When is the best time to take Rad140? Morning, preworkout, evening or doesn't matter?

PSizzle, can you PM me please. I have some questions about Rad140. I'm a newbie and can't PM :)
When is the best time to take Rad140? Morning, preworkout, evening or doesn't matter?

PSizzle, can you PM me please. I have some questions about Rad140. I'm a newbie and can't PM :)

It has a pretty long half-life so dosage time does not matter. I'm a fan of taking mine in the morning. And yes PMing you now!
How's it going over here?

My rats are LOVING their SR9009. So glad SarmsSearch came out with these two new products!