Rad140 (first ever log) sarmsearch

great post bro, good luck. I'm thinking of trying sarmss so ill be keeping up for sure.

Why wait bro? They have a great sale grab it now. SarmsSearch has other logs, check them out. SarmsSearch S4 is fckn fire! Rip you out like nothing eles.
I am with him, im def subbed to this thread, but ive never gone the sarm route and would like to see a start to finish so thanks for the thread brudda... good luck I hope it rips u up
I am with him, im def subbed to this thread, but ive never gone the sarm route and would like to see a start to finish so thanks for the thread brudda... good luck I hope it rips u up

Not to hijack this great thread, but if you want to see a before and after I ran a log just finished a few weeks ago. I was cutting on ostarine and s4. Just a quick 8 week cut. I have before/after pics on the last page. Here's the log: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...fp103-s-osta-s4-run-courtesy-sarmssearch.html

Don't miss out on this log though as RAD is brand new and only SarmsSearch has it. This thread is literally making history.
I just read everything I could on Rad140. It really gives you more "wind"while running? Better stamina?

Without a doubt. I usually do a 1 and 1 minute flip on my hit sessions, i'm doing 2 and 1 right now. You begin to notice it by the second day, by a week it's full swing. Recovery is very fast.
Not to hijack this great thread, but if you want to see a before and after I ran a log just finished a few weeks ago. I was cutting on ostarine and s4. Just a quick 8 week cut. I have before/after pics on the last page. Here's the log: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...fp103-s-osta-s4-run-courtesy-sarmssearch.html

Don't miss out on this log though as RAD is brand new and only SarmsSearch has it. This thread is literally making history.

No worries they need to see all the results they can to see how well they work. I've done a solo 6 week S4 and a solo lgd log also. And my friend captin America ran s few also. They all so phenomenal result. Depending on your diet and work ethic you can have aas result. And the best part no worries of customs beating down your door.
How long have you been using it now and how much have you lost?

I'm only down 2 lbs maybe 1lb, but I've gained muscle. If you've ever done a cut on aas then you know that the leaner you get the more muscle you start gaining even with reduced calories. This occurs because there is less fat for the aas to be wasted in and almost all of the aas is deposited in the muscle. Not only that but there are a few other reason you gain better when you leaner and one is nutrient sharing you don't have fat stealing any nutrients. Sarms will (always) kick start faster then aas because they do not deposit in fat, they go straight to the muscle and the muscle only. As i get leaner i may gain but it's because my body is in a better predicament to add muscle mostly for nutrient partitioning. If you have a higher bf sarms IMO better then aas to kick start a cut. No waste of product in fat like aas.
I would personally start at S4-25mg...Gw 50mg...Rad-6mg I weigh around 220 so just adjust a little for your weight.
I'm running S4 50mg split (25mg AM 25mg PM) and 20mg GW in evening. I weigh 200 so would it be a safe bet to use the same dosage? Thanks for the info!
Are you sure those s4/gw doses aren't backwards? I'm not sure I'd run GW over 20mg, and s4 I'd run 50mg minimum.

I meant Gw 50 not 50mg, yes 20mg, I'd slowly walk up on the S4. I do believe I may be slightly more responsive to S4 then some people, 50mg would probably be more of the norm but 25mg works fine for me starting off.
Also what kind of PCT are you doing on Rad?

I'm on trt my friend, in all honesty I can't tell you if it has a hard shut down. Some of the clinical trials were for seeing if it worked as trt and it showed better results then any other sarms. But that doesnt necessarily mean that it has a hard shutdown, S4 works very well and it's shut down its bad at all. Someone not on trt will have to run it and pull bloods to get a definitive answer.