rant: something always happens.


card counting specialist
is it just me or does this happen to you too?
it seems like every time im doing good at the gym, making gains, getting bigger/stronger something comes along to derail my progress. i finished a cycle in january and everything went well, i gained a net of 13 lbs. after post cycle therapy (pct) was done. :) then i got sick with flu. then i got bronchitis with a sinus infection. I lost about 15 lbs in the last 3 weeks because i was sick and had no appetite. i went to the gym today for the 1st time in 2 weeks and it was terrible. no strength/ out of breath WTF. last cycle = wasted. this happened to me last year too, i ended up having a DVT in my leg, just after i made good gains from an M1T cycle.
I just needed to blow off some steam. i feel better now.
is it just me or does there seem to be a coincidence between cycling and your comprimised immune system? it might benefit you to use lower doses and shorter cycles....... besides eating healthier and taking some antioxidants. i used to get bronchitis every winter until I began taking vitamin Ester-C...works beautifully.
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Compromised immune systems can definitely happen with cycling, but it can be avoided. I swear by HCG, Proviron, vitamins/minerals, clean diet, plenty of sleep, and even Nolvadex while on a cycle (I am gyno sensitive). I used to get "Test Flu" every time, but not any more! I have not been sick (not even a cold) in several years. I really think proper PCT, along with HCG, clean diet, rest, and vitamins throughout the cycle have helped me tremendously!
this last cycle I got sick, and couldnt shake it off for a while. Definatly stick with the vitamins
it can certainly feel like the world is conspiring against you when that shit happens, same thing happened during post cycle therapy (pct) on my second cycle years ago, I lost everything when I got the flu. All you can do is push to gain twice as much on the next one!
I take tons of vitamin c and multis, and find I generally dont get sick much at all
is it just me or does this happen to you too?
it seems like every time im doing good at the gym, making gains, getting bigger/stronger something comes along to derail my progress. i finished a cycle in january and everything went well, i gained a net of 13 lbs. after post cycle therapy (pct) was done. :) then i got sick with flu. then i got bronchitis with a sinus infection. I lost about 15 lbs in the last 3 weeks because i was sick and had no appetite. i went to the gym today for the 1st time in 2 weeks and it was terrible. no strength/ out of breath WTF. last cycle = wasted. this happened to me last year too, i ended up having a DVT in my leg, just after i made good gains from an M1T cycle.
I just needed to blow off some steam. i feel better now.

HY Black Jack , nice to meet you

I AM beginner and if I did something wrong please do not ignore me

I had a dvt me too and I would be interested what caused your DVT and what AAS you took during the cycle ?

thanks a lot and any advice would be helpful
BJ and Jacked; needsize hasosummed it up nicely. It was a coincidence probably . However aas do affect the imuno; as always to varying degree s with the individual being the variable as to the extent.

I got a bout of flu in NYC last time I went that KIKKED my ass for 5 day s and lingered for 3 weeks. I can dig it with your frustration but having HAD gained that muscle needs to be looked at as good in the long run. Why ? If you can remotivate and kill it ( don t look at the scale or weights moved rather your intensity ) your muscle memory just got longer so natty or jacked you WILL surpass that 15 pounds.

I hate to say look at me as I look like a buff porn star fitness fag but after I have a set back..get my groove back I can, usually in a month with a trt x 3 get where the avi is..

I just had some bad shit go down a few month s ago...chemo, domestic downturn etc blah blah.

It s the shit you do now that will make comebacks easier and setback s easier to ride out. TRUST ME.
no1 can be that unlucky u havet oo be alergic to something maybe even the oil who knows... wow im sorry man Id like myself in plastic dome rather then lose my gains lol
HY Black Jack , nice to meet you

I AM beginner and if I did something wrong please do not ignore me

I had a dvt me too and I would be interested what caused your DVT and what AAS you took during the cycle ?

thanks a lot and any advice would be helpful

You have to look at the dates of threads or posts sometimes, the guys above you posted this literally 10 years ago.. it might be better to make a new thread and see if others can help you.
Welcome to the forum! : )
HY Black Jack , nice to meet you

I AM beginner and if I did something wrong please do not ignore me

I had a dvt me too and I would be interested what caused your DVT and what AAS you took during the cycle ?

thanks a lot and any advice would be helpful

well no one can say for sure what exactly caused my clots, but I can say this...Ive had two of them, 6 months apart, and both times it happened I was using M1T. It may be coincidence, maybe not, but Ive never used M1T again and never had another episode of clotting.
Thanks for your welcome.

I'm sorry that I have posted here but i read almost threads about dvt , inr , trt , blood thinners end blackjack is the only one who is in my situation namely that used gear after a dvd

Have a nice day
You have to look at the dates of threads or posts sometimes, the guys above you posted this literally 10 years ago.. it might be better to make a new thread and see if others can help you.
Welcome to the forum! : )

Thanks for your welcome juced_porkchop

I'm sorry that I have posted here but i read almost threads about dvt , inr , trt , blood thinners end blackjack is the only one who is in my situation namely that used gear after a dvd

Have a nice day
well no one can say for sure what exactly caused my clots, but I can say this...Ive had two of them, 6 months apart, and both times it happened I was using M1T. It may be coincidence, maybe not, but Ive never used M1T again and never had another episode of clotting.

Thanks a lot for reply

Please tell me what was your last cycle and if you use blood thinners together

Have a nice day
I've probably done about 8 test cycles after the second episode. If you're really concerned about clots, taking aspirin will definitely help. 81mg per day is what most people take for prevention. I stopped after a while because I would bleed too much every time I cut,myself shaving or had a papercut etc...